Casual Contraception in Casual Sex

Model Name:Hooked2_Women
Description:Demographic Model
Dependent Variable:Hooked
Independent Variables:sophomore + junior + senior + mom_SomeCollege + mom_College + mom_Graduate + Black + Hispanic + Asian + OtherRace + mixed_race + immigrant + protestant + catholic + jewish + other_religion + rural + small_town + medium_city + large_city
Subset:if female == 1
Options:i(school) link(logit) family(bin)
Time & Date Computed:16:14:20, 11 Dec 2014

Sections in which this model is embedded

  1. AllOutcomes — Regressions on Assorted Outcomes

Estimates Replay

gllamm Hooked sophomore junior senior mom_SomeCollege mom_College mom_Graduate Black Hispanic Asian OtherRace mixed_race immigrant protestant catholic jewish other_religion rural small_town medium_city large_city  if female == 1  , i(school) link(logit) family(bin)

Model Hooked2_Women
number of level 1 units = 11812
number of level 2 units = 21
Condition Number = 7.2337152
gllamm model 
log likelihood = -7319.5042
         Hooked |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
      sophomore |    .527223   .0515615    10.23   0.000     .4261643    .6282817
         junior |   .8219701   .0583825    14.08   0.000     .7075426    .9363977
         senior |   1.007998   .0610598    16.51   0.000     .8883228    1.127673
mom_SomeCollege |   .1806743   .0566312     3.19   0.001     .0696792    .2916695
    mom_College |   .3057441   .0552797     5.53   0.000     .1973979    .4140903
   mom_Graduate |   .3997899   .0634539     6.30   0.000     .2754224    .5241573
          Black |  -.5649356    .087808    -6.43   0.000    -.7370361   -.3928351
       Hispanic |  -.6224403   .0661614    -9.41   0.000    -.7521143   -.4927663
          Asian |  -.7476453    .075269    -9.93   0.000    -.8951699   -.6001207
      OtherRace |  -.5295219   .1008933    -5.25   0.000    -.7272691   -.3317748
     mixed_race |   .2147662   .0638561     3.36   0.001     .0896105    .3399218
      immigrant |  -.2673636    .072207    -3.70   0.000    -.4088867   -.1258406
     protestant |  -.3519196   .0682421    -5.16   0.000    -.4856717   -.2181675
       catholic |   .1038933   .0586795     1.77   0.077    -.0111163    .2189029
         jewish |   .2693033   .0963945     2.79   0.005     .0803735     .458233
 other_religion |  -.2695605    .066614    -4.05   0.000    -.4001216   -.1389994
          rural |  -.1941636   .0865381    -2.24   0.025    -.3637752   -.0245521
     small_town |   -.122989   .0546751    -2.25   0.024    -.2301503   -.0158277
    medium_city |  -.2100507   .0549009    -3.83   0.000    -.3176545   -.1024468
     large_city |  -.2262582   .0662783    -3.41   0.001    -.3561613    -.096355
          _cons |   .1593492   .0754961     2.11   0.035     .0113795    .3073188
Variances and covariances of random effects

***level 2 (school)
    var(1): .10085195 (.01305611)

N 11812
ic 5
k_dv 1
k_eq 2
k 22
rank 22
converged 1
ll -7319.504226797264
rc 0
_estimates_name Hooked2_Women
cmd gllamm
Apparatus_ModelName___ Hooked2_Women
predict gllapred
cn 7.233715247474509
comp 0
ind __000005
init 0
cor 1
denom __000004
expf 0
exp 0
link logit
famil binom
cip 1
mult 0
free 0
clus school __000006
tpff 1
tpi 2
prior 0
tprf 2
tplv 2
bmat 0
lev1 0
oth 1
smlog 0
mlog 0
ethr 0
k_eform 1
nolog 0
ngeqs 0
inter 0
const 0
adapt 0
noC1 0
noC 0
nats 0
vce oim
opt ml
title gllamm model
depvar Hooked
ml_method d0
user gllam_ll
chi2type LR
crittype log likelihood
technique nr
properties b V


e(b), transpose
Hooked sophomore .527222998
Hooked junior .821970118
Hooked senior 1.00799786
Hooked mom_SomeCollege .180674341
Hooked mom_College .305744092
Hooked mom_Graduate .399789872
Hooked Black -.564935593
Hooked Hispanic -.622440291
Hooked Asian -.747645312
Hooked OtherRace -.529521949
Hooked mixed_race .214766151
Hooked immigrant -.267363641
Hooked protestant -.351919613
Hooked catholic .103893286
Hooked jewish .269303253
Hooked other_religion -.269560488
Hooked rural -.194163642
Hooked small_town -.12298901
Hooked medium_city -.210050662
Hooked large_city -.22625816
Hooked _cons .159349179
scho1 _cons .317571961
Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked scho1
sophomore junior senior mom_SomeCollege mom_College mom_Graduate Black Hispanic Asian OtherRace mixed_race immigrant protestant catholic jewish other_religion rural small_town medium_city large_city _cons _cons
Hooked sophomore .00265859 .001049931 .00106448 -.000043786 .000020865 -.000043846 -.000118292 -.000143046 -.000123505 -.000158514 .00007577 -.000012497 -.000056543 .000061267 .000153397 -.0000148 .000039009 .000086438 1.7510e-06 -.000035618 -.00096674 .00015244
Hooked junior .001049931 .003408514 .001118699 -.000038621 .000116183 .000074654 -.000151081 -.000109873 -.000160129 -.000204621 .000160624 -.000098612 -.000162323 .000048333 .000131133 -.00008324 .000074741 .000139841 .000050128 .000044213 -.000992954 .00013786
Hooked senior .00106448 .001118699 .003728301 -.00003935 .000093759 -2.1239e-06 -.000279319 -.000096805 -.000263454 -.000149552 .000109285 -.00013964 -.000104799 .000098657 .000220025 -.000027368 .000065677 .000139615 .000022906 .000072574 -.001000928 .000161436
Hooked mom_SomeCollege -.000043786 -.000038621 -.00003935 .003207094 .001642422 .001646218 -.000162398 .000437994 .000177966 .000205876 -.000142505 .000135703 -.000046824 .000022694 -.000071046 -.000020946 .000062277 .000093332 .000104634 .000210497 -.001712601 -.000017326
Hooked mom_College .000020865 .000116183 .000093759 .001642422 .003055845 .001796785 .000122766 .000641483 .000291503 .000333102 -.000077998 -.000037072 -.000162744 .00011406 -.000293932 .000046051 .000307908 .000211401 .000206784 .000296984 -.001991381 -.000032027
Hooked mom_Graduate -.000043846 .000074654 -2.1239e-06 .001646218 .001796785 .004026402 .000243119 .000730718 .00029537 .000363937 -.000124619 -.000094132 -.000093195 .000252092 -.000557617 .000142025 .000354399 .000262256 .000174789 .000158024 -.00205855 -.000036102
Hooked Black -.000118292 -.000151081 -.000279319 -.000162398 .000122766 .000243119 .007710241 .000882142 .001378485 .00140263 -.000821536 -.00024015 -.000262338 .000138006 .000373676 -.001091784 .000253303 .000313995 -.0000179 -.000754661 -.000490853 .000026488
Hooked Hispanic -.000143046 -.000109873 -.000096805 .000437994 .000641483 .000730718 .000882142 .004377332 .000909687 .001129057 -.000497694 -.000577577 -.000066502 -.000869943 .000155681 -.000199043 .000203676 .000283687 -.000107723 -.000597265 -.000704855 -.00011991
Hooked Asian -.000123505 -.000160129 -.000263454 .000177966 .000291503 .00029537 .001378485 .000909687 .005665425 .001249861 -.000137566 -.001468529 .000236023 .000477636 .000768397 -.000668631 .000491731 .000442722 .000150258 -.000050991 -.001166529 -.000026872
Hooked OtherRace -.000158514 -.000204621 -.000149552 .000205876 .000333102 .000363937 .00140263 .001129057 .001249861 .010179454 -.00178911 -.000696863 -.000024235 -.000058434 .000074472 -.000589215 .000139898 .000286975 5.0970e-06 -.000228149 -.00064963 -.000080517
Hooked mixed_race .00007577 .000160624 .000109285 -.000142505 -.000077998 -.000124619 -.000821536 -.000497694 -.000137566 -.00178911 .0040776 .000185955 .000031158 .000193445 .000306237 .000104138 .00006476 .000039791 .000020275 .000103114 -.000426963 -.000069996
Hooked immigrant -.000012497 -.000098612 -.00013964 .000135703 -.000037072 -.000094132 -.00024015 -.000577577 -.001468529 -.000696863 .000185955 .005213849 .000097083 .000021612 .000044544 -.000026279 .000097667 .000044138 .000032646 -.000142359 -.000229562 .000035257
Hooked protestant -.000056543 -.000162323 -.000104799 -.000046824 -.000162744 -.000093195 -.000262338 -.000066502 .000236023 -.000024235 .000031158 .000097083 .004656987 .002131684 .002121352 .002123409 -.000086806 .000043486 .000077252 .000166442 -.002032941 .000055839
Hooked catholic .000061267 .000048333 .000098657 .000022694 .00011406 .000252092 .000138006 -.000869943 .000477636 -.000058434 .000193445 .000021612 .002131684 .003443279 .002086476 .002102325 .0000337 .000039926 .000086001 .000130509 -.002400799 .000118103
Hooked jewish .000153397 .000131133 .000220025 -.000071046 -.000293932 -.000557617 .000373676 .000155681 .000768397 .000074472 .000306237 .000044544 .002121352 .002086476 .009291898 .001888749 .000390954 .000434286 .000431288 .000121336 -.002359029 -.000087358
Hooked other_religion -.0000148 -.00008324 -.000027368 -.000020946 .000046051 .000142025 -.001091784 -.000199043 -.000668631 -.000589215 .000104138 -.000026279 .002123409 .002102325 .001888749 .004437432 1.1081e-06 .000085641 -2.5908e-06 .000075766 -.002004274 .000124862
Hooked rural .000039009 .000074741 .000065677 .000062277 .000307908 .000354399 .000253303 .000203676 .000491731 .000139898 .00006476 .000097667 -.000086806 .0000337 .000390954 1.1081e-06 .00748884 .001336953 .001241575 .001184882 -.001589179 .000026947
Hooked small_town .000086438 .000139841 .000139615 .000093332 .000211401 .000262256 .000313995 .000283687 .000442722 .000286975 .000039791 .000044138 .000043486 .000039926 .000434286 .000085641 .001336953 .002989371 .001261538 .001168131 -.001674096 -.000031789
Hooked medium_city 1.7510e-06 .000050128 .000022906 .000104634 .000206784 .000174789 -.0000179 -.000107723 .000150258 5.0970e-06 .000020275 .000032646 .000077252 .000086001 .000431288 -2.5908e-06 .001241575 .001261538 .003014111 .001267033 -.001459147 -.000124348
Hooked large_city -.000035618 .000044213 .000072574 .000210497 .000296984 .000158024 -.000754661 -.000597265 -.000050991 -.000228149 .000103114 -.000142359 .000166442 .000130509 .000121336 .000075766 .001184882 .001168131 .001267033 .00439282 -.001372409 .000018478
Hooked _cons -.00096674 -.000992954 -.001000928 -.001712601 -.001991381 -.00205855 -.000490853 -.000704855 -.001166529 -.00064963 -.000426963 -.000229562 -.002032941 -.002400799 -.002359029 -.002004274 -.001589179 -.001674096 -.001459147 -.001372409 .005699661 -.000091016
scho1 _cons .00015244 .00013786 .000161436 -.000017326 -.000032027 -.000036102 .000026488 -.00011991 -.000026872 -.000080517 -.000069996 .000035257 .000055839 .000118103 -.000087358 .000124862 .000026947 -.000031789 -.000124348 .000018478 -.000091016 .000422555
r1 0
c1 c2
r1 1 8
r2 8 8
e(frld), transpose
c1 0
c2 0
Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked scho1
sophomore junior senior mom_SomeCollege mom_College mom_Graduate Black Hispanic Asian OtherRace mixed_race immigrant protestant catholic jewish other_religion rural small_town medium_city large_city _cons _cons
Hooked sophomore .00265859 .001049931 .00106448 -.000043786 .000020865 -.000043846 -.000118292 -.000143046 -.000123505 -.000158514 .00007577 -.000012497 -.000056543 .000061267 .000153397 -.0000148 .000039009 .000086438 1.7510e-06 -.000035618 -.00096674 .00015244
Hooked junior .001049931 .003408514 .001118699 -.000038621 .000116183 .000074654 -.000151081 -.000109873 -.000160129 -.000204621 .000160624 -.000098612 -.000162323 .000048333 .000131133 -.00008324 .000074741 .000139841 .000050128 .000044213 -.000992954 .00013786
Hooked senior .00106448 .001118699 .003728301 -.00003935 .000093759 -2.1239e-06 -.000279319 -.000096805 -.000263454 -.000149552 .000109285 -.00013964 -.000104799 .000098657 .000220025 -.000027368 .000065677 .000139615 .000022906 .000072574 -.001000928 .000161436
Hooked mom_SomeCollege -.000043786 -.000038621 -.00003935 .003207094 .001642422 .001646218 -.000162398 .000437994 .000177966 .000205876 -.000142505 .000135703 -.000046824 .000022694 -.000071046 -.000020946 .000062277 .000093332 .000104634 .000210497 -.001712601 -.000017326
Hooked mom_College .000020865 .000116183 .000093759 .001642422 .003055845 .001796785 .000122766 .000641483 .000291503 .000333102 -.000077998 -.000037072 -.000162744 .00011406 -.000293932 .000046051 .000307908 .000211401 .000206784 .000296984 -.001991381 -.000032027
Hooked mom_Graduate -.000043846 .000074654 -2.1239e-06 .001646218 .001796785 .004026402 .000243119 .000730718 .00029537 .000363937 -.000124619 -.000094132 -.000093195 .000252092 -.000557617 .000142025 .000354399 .000262256 .000174789 .000158024 -.00205855 -.000036102
Hooked Black -.000118292 -.000151081 -.000279319 -.000162398 .000122766 .000243119 .007710241 .000882142 .001378485 .00140263 -.000821536 -.00024015 -.000262338 .000138006 .000373676 -.001091784 .000253303 .000313995 -.0000179 -.000754661 -.000490853 .000026488
Hooked Hispanic -.000143046 -.000109873 -.000096805 .000437994 .000641483 .000730718 .000882142 .004377332 .000909687 .001129057 -.000497694 -.000577577 -.000066502 -.000869943 .000155681 -.000199043 .000203676 .000283687 -.000107723 -.000597265 -.000704855 -.00011991
Hooked Asian -.000123505 -.000160129 -.000263454 .000177966 .000291503 .00029537 .001378485 .000909687 .005665425 .001249861 -.000137566 -.001468529 .000236023 .000477636 .000768397 -.000668631 .000491731 .000442722 .000150258 -.000050991 -.001166529 -.000026872
Hooked OtherRace -.000158514 -.000204621 -.000149552 .000205876 .000333102 .000363937 .00140263 .001129057 .001249861 .010179454 -.00178911 -.000696863 -.000024235 -.000058434 .000074472 -.000589215 .000139898 .000286975 5.0970e-06 -.000228149 -.00064963 -.000080517
Hooked mixed_race .00007577 .000160624 .000109285 -.000142505 -.000077998 -.000124619 -.000821536 -.000497694 -.000137566 -.00178911 .0040776 .000185955 .000031158 .000193445 .000306237 .000104138 .00006476 .000039791 .000020275 .000103114 -.000426963 -.000069996
Hooked immigrant -.000012497 -.000098612 -.00013964 .000135703 -.000037072 -.000094132 -.00024015 -.000577577 -.001468529 -.000696863 .000185955 .005213849 .000097083 .000021612 .000044544 -.000026279 .000097667 .000044138 .000032646 -.000142359 -.000229562 .000035257
Hooked protestant -.000056543 -.000162323 -.000104799 -.000046824 -.000162744 -.000093195 -.000262338 -.000066502 .000236023 -.000024235 .000031158 .000097083 .004656987 .002131684 .002121352 .002123409 -.000086806 .000043486 .000077252 .000166442 -.002032941 .000055839
Hooked catholic .000061267 .000048333 .000098657 .000022694 .00011406 .000252092 .000138006 -.000869943 .000477636 -.000058434 .000193445 .000021612 .002131684 .003443279 .002086476 .002102325 .0000337 .000039926 .000086001 .000130509 -.002400799 .000118103
Hooked jewish .000153397 .000131133 .000220025 -.000071046 -.000293932 -.000557617 .000373676 .000155681 .000768397 .000074472 .000306237 .000044544 .002121352 .002086476 .009291898 .001888749 .000390954 .000434286 .000431288 .000121336 -.002359029 -.000087358
Hooked other_religion -.0000148 -.00008324 -.000027368 -.000020946 .000046051 .000142025 -.001091784 -.000199043 -.000668631 -.000589215 .000104138 -.000026279 .002123409 .002102325 .001888749 .004437432 1.1081e-06 .000085641 -2.5908e-06 .000075766 -.002004274 .000124862
Hooked rural .000039009 .000074741 .000065677 .000062277 .000307908 .000354399 .000253303 .000203676 .000491731 .000139898 .00006476 .000097667 -.000086806 .0000337 .000390954 1.1081e-06 .00748884 .001336953 .001241575 .001184882 -.001589179 .000026947
Hooked small_town .000086438 .000139841 .000139615 .000093332 .000211401 .000262256 .000313995 .000283687 .000442722 .000286975 .000039791 .000044138 .000043486 .000039926 .000434286 .000085641 .001336953 .002989371 .001261538 .001168131 -.001674096 -.000031789
Hooked medium_city 1.7510e-06 .000050128 .000022906 .000104634 .000206784 .000174789 -.0000179 -.000107723 .000150258 5.0970e-06 .000020275 .000032646 .000077252 .000086001 .000431288 -2.5908e-06 .001241575 .001261538 .003014111 .001267033 -.001459147 -.000124348
Hooked large_city -.000035618 .000044213 .000072574 .000210497 .000296984 .000158024 -.000754661 -.000597265 -.000050991 -.000228149 .000103114 -.000142359 .000166442 .000130509 .000121336 .000075766 .001184882 .001168131 .001267033 .00439282 -.001372409 .000018478
Hooked _cons -.00096674 -.000992954 -.001000928 -.001712601 -.001991381 -.00205855 -.000490853 -.000704855 -.001166529 -.00064963 -.000426963 -.000229562 -.002032941 -.002400799 -.002359029 -.002004274 -.001589179 -.001674096 -.001459147 -.001372409 .005699661 -.000091016
scho1 _cons .00015244 .00013786 .000161436 -.000017326 -.000032027 -.000036102 .000026488 -.00011991 -.000026872 -.000080517 -.000069996 .000035257 .000055839 .000118103 -.000087358 .000124862 .000026947 -.000031789 -.000124348 .000018478 -.000091016 .000422555
e(nu), transpose
c1 11812
c2 21
e(nbrf), transpose
c1 0
c1 1
r1 21
c1 c2
r1 1 2
r2 1 2
r1 .317571961
e(zlc8), transpose
c1 c1 4.14454719
c1 c2 -4.14454719
c2 c1 2.80248586
c2 c2 -2.80248586
c3 c1 1.63651904
c3 c2 -1.63651904
c4 c1 .539079811
c4 c2 -.539079811
e(zps8), transpose
c1 c1 -9.09153974
c1 c2 -9.09153974
c2 c1 -4.64233013
c2 c2 -4.64233013
c3 c1 -2.14353295
c3 c2 -2.14353295
c4 c1 -.986143997
c4 c2 -.986143997
e(gradient), transpose
Hooked sophomore -.000011658
Hooked junior .000040317
Hooked senior -5.5780e-06
Hooked mom_SomeCollege -.000015707
Hooked mom_College -.000012006
Hooked mom_Graduate -7.2474e-06
Hooked Black -.000016416
Hooked Hispanic 4.4420e-06
Hooked Asian -.0000141
Hooked OtherRace -1.4888e-06
Hooked mixed_race .000016795
Hooked immigrant -.000012033
Hooked protestant -.000017947
Hooked catholic -.000029032
Hooked jewish 9.6902e-06
Hooked other_religion -.000024167
Hooked rural -.000011837
Hooked small_town -.000013774
Hooked medium_city .000026642
Hooked large_city -.000013872
Hooked _cons -.000083055
scho1 _cons -.000018904
e(ilog), transpose
c1 -7351.09742
c2 -7345.1765
c3 -7324.89118
c4 -7319.68171
c5 -7319.50435
c6 -7319.50423
c7 0
c8 0
c9 0
c10 0
c11 0
c12 0
c13 0
c14 0
c15 0
c16 0
c17 0
c18 0
c19 0
c20 0
e(ml_d0_s), transpose
c1 1.87454099
c2 1.41826658
c3 .75618599
c4 2.84165114
c5 2.88659874
c6 3.36046415
c7 3.47912511
c8 1.11842438
c9 2.61973577
c10 2.18895784
c11 6.16802287
c12 4.91677518
c13 2.41186986
c14 6.22007399
c15 4.3856634
c16 4.70045262
c17 9.56220537
c18 5.46377636
c19 4.30249809
c20 5.8300067
c21 2.68085591
c22 1.75657784