Casual Contraception in Casual Sex

Model Name:Hooked3_Men
Description:P(Hooked | >year1×ses, >year1×%fem, demo., school r.e.) Among Men
Dependent Variable:Hooked
Independent Variables:years234 + mom_SomeCollege + mom_College + mom_Graduate + Black + Hispanic + Asian + OtherRace + mixed_race + immigrant + protestant + catholic + jewish + other_religion + rural + small_town + medium_city + large_city + mom_SomeCollege_x_years234 + mom_College_x_years234 + mom_Graduate_x_years234 + school_high_fem + high_pct_female_x_years234
Subset:if female == 0
Options:i(school) link(logit) family(bin)
Time & Date Computed:16:24:39, 11 Dec 2014

Sections in which this model is embedded

  1. AllOutcomes — Regressions on Assorted Outcomes

Estimates Replay

gllamm Hooked years234 mom_SomeCollege mom_College mom_Graduate Black Hispanic Asian OtherRace mixed_race immigrant protestant catholic jewish other_religion rural small_town medium_city large_city mom_SomeCollege_x_years234 mom_College_x_years234 mom_Graduate_x_years234 school_high_fem high_pct_female_x_years234  if female == 0  , i(school) link(logit) family(bin)

Model Hooked3_Men
number of level 1 units = 4980
number of level 2 units = 21
Condition Number = 16.662958
gllamm model 
log likelihood = -3075.0294
                    Hooked |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                  years234 |   .4673106   .1426702     3.28   0.001     .1876821    .7469391
           mom_SomeCollege |  -.0200265   .1456945    -0.14   0.891    -.3055824    .2655294
               mom_College |   .0119975   .1376651     0.09   0.931    -.2578211    .2818161
              mom_Graduate |    .132559   .1513937     0.88   0.381    -.1641673    .4292852
                     Black |  -.0013468   .1378818    -0.01   0.992    -.2715902    .2688966
                  Hispanic |  -.2712376   .1114374    -2.43   0.015    -.4896509   -.0528243
                     Asian |  -1.054445   .1072894    -9.83   0.000    -1.264728   -.8441616
                 OtherRace |  -.3492675   .1660467    -2.10   0.035     -.674713    -.023822
                mixed_race |   .1034049   .0984667     1.05   0.294    -.0895862     .296396
                 immigrant |  -.0756149   .1034466    -0.73   0.465    -.2783665    .1271368
                protestant |  -.0014178    .102307    -0.01   0.989    -.2019358    .1991002
                  catholic |   .1898952   .0877646     2.16   0.030     .0178797    .3619107
                    jewish |   .6722064   .1435189     4.68   0.000     .3909146    .9534982
            other_religion |  -.0739718   .1049329    -0.70   0.481    -.2796365    .1316929
                     rural |  -.0675111   .1436487    -0.47   0.638    -.3490574    .2140351
                small_town |   .0739271   .0861573     0.86   0.391    -.0949381    .2427923
               medium_city |   .0910995   .0825242     1.10   0.270    -.0706449    .2528439
                large_city |    .091123    .102279     0.89   0.373    -.1093402    .2915862
mom_SomeCollege_x_years234 |   .1987816   .1860838     1.07   0.285    -.1659359     .563499
    mom_College_x_years234 |   .0996403   .1736938     0.57   0.566    -.2407932    .4400739
   mom_Graduate_x_years234 |   .0700671    .189079     0.37   0.711     -.300521    .4406551
           school_high_fem |  -.2052997   .1102791    -1.86   0.063    -.4214428    .0108435
high_pct_female_x_years234 |   .1284572   .1321227     0.97   0.331    -.1304985    .3874128
                     _cons |   .1097506   .1441164     0.76   0.446    -.1727123    .3922135
Variances and covariances of random effects

***level 2 (school)
    var(1): .17576848 (.04507037)

N 4980
ic 4
k_dv 1
k_eq 2
k 25
rank 25
converged 1
ll -3075.029404639664
rc 0
_estimates_name Hooked3_Men
cmd gllamm
Apparatus_ModelName___ Hooked3_Men
predict gllapred
cn 16.66295756033358
comp 0
ind __000005
init 0
cor 1
denom __000004
expf 0
exp 0
link logit
famil binom
cip 1
mult 0
free 0
clus school __000006
tpff 1
tpi 2
prior 0
tprf 2
tplv 2
bmat 0
lev1 0
oth 1
smlog 0
mlog 0
ethr 0
k_eform 1
nolog 0
ngeqs 0
inter 0
const 0
adapt 0
noC1 0
noC 0
nats 0
vce oim
opt ml
title gllamm model
depvar Hooked
ml_method d0
user gllam_ll
chi2type LR
crittype log likelihood
technique nr
properties b V


e(b), transpose
Hooked years234 .467310564
Hooked mom_SomeCollege -.020026527
Hooked mom_College .011997503
Hooked mom_Graduate .132558975
Hooked Black -.001346784
Hooked Hispanic -.271237632
Hooked Asian -1.0544449
Hooked OtherRace -.349267495
Hooked mixed_race .103404923
Hooked immigrant -.07561486
Hooked protestant -.001417818
Hooked catholic .18989523
Hooked jewish .672206393
Hooked other_religion -.073971797
Hooked rural -.067511145
Hooked small_town .073927104
Hooked medium_city .091099505
Hooked large_city .091122996
Hooked mom_SomeCollege_x_years234 .198781569
Hooked mom_College_x_years234 .09964034
Hooked mom_Graduate_x_years234 .070067069
Hooked school_high_fem -.205299669
Hooked high_pct_female_x_years234 .128457157
Hooked _cons .109750586
scho1 _cons .419247512
Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked scho1
years234 mom_SomeCollege mom_College mom_Graduate Black Hispanic Asian OtherRace mixed_race immigrant protestant catholic jewish other_religion rural small_town medium_city large_city mom_SomeCollege_x_years234 mom_College_x_years234 mom_Graduate_x_years234 school_high_fem high_pct_female_x_years234 _cons _cons
Hooked years234 .020354792 .010653558 .010901383 .010447997 -.000595029 -.000244178 -.000991107 -.000220329 -.00033953 -.000254115 .000192526 .000544316 .000265879 .000522104 .000504162 .000397284 .000044545 -.00016292 -.017375883 -.017745649 -.017187575 .003521726 -.006326391 -.012526286 .000241578
Hooked mom_SomeCollege .010653558 .021226874 .011427929 .011522456 .000557573 .001618641 .000823182 .000901672 -.00073839 -.000062708 -.000059074 -.000091755 -.000369626 -.0001972 .000372369 .000062836 .00016551 .000293257 -.020919288 -.011034656 -.01109192 -.000570512 .000548534 -.011212895 -.000204529
Hooked mom_College .010901383 .011427929 .018951678 .011762108 .000850011 .001993004 .001004275 .001073218 -.000440031 -.000096005 -.000074485 .00025672 -.000725239 .000337367 .001227723 .000544474 .000294311 .000266767 -.01103115 -.018349714 -.011068158 .000117424 -.000100835 -.012104023 -.000300083
Hooked mom_Graduate .010447997 .011522456 .011762108 .022920057 .001046261 .002047962 .001201889 .001684233 -.000085859 -.000019384 .000308289 .000672545 -.001363294 .000270329 .000850843 .000522615 .000350324 .000037354 -.011083229 -.011071493 -.022112355 -.001138338 .001225497 -.012018097 -.00018119
Hooked Black -.000595029 .000557573 .000850011 .001046261 .019011396 .002327351 .002979928 .002838615 -.001451737 -.000914324 -.000964328 .000119388 .000725413 -.001881185 -.000364232 .000426435 -.000161651 -.002092192 -.00069875 -.000040928 -.000692295 .000462043 .000762109 -.001575624 .000214471
Hooked Hispanic -.000244178 .001618641 .001993004 .002047962 .002327351 .012418295 .002256416 .002699618 -.001853329 -.001814923 -.000314341 -.001958922 -.000130932 -.000545422 .000336458 .00026094 -.000534279 -.001217715 -.000237349 -.000430692 -.000256638 -.001417385 .000788417 -.001412342 .000507511
Hooked Asian -.000991107 .000823182 .001004275 .001201889 .002979928 .002256416 .011511011 .002743405 -.000178204 -.002668031 .000517598 .001184218 .001810038 -.001951451 .000932524 .000789753 .000242274 -.000229902 .000115974 -.000104915 -.000151248 .000078198 .000663368 -.002717537 .000268078
Hooked OtherRace -.000220329 .000901672 .001073218 .001684233 .002838615 .002699618 .002743405 .027571494 -.003699601 -.001060359 .000238669 .000123576 .000152568 -.001318096 .000405147 .000155215 .000154511 -.000839812 -.000588928 -.00036347 -.001022811 -.000268841 .00052936 -.0017455 .000081288
Hooked mixed_race -.00033953 -.00073839 -.000440031 -.000085859 -.001451737 -.001853329 -.000178204 -.003699601 .009695682 .000226925 .000089475 .000494543 .000345608 .000220786 -.000251245 -.000019809 -.000040331 .00022269 .000515588 .000458858 .000029687 -.000312295 .000575095 -.000557125 -.000284349
Hooked immigrant -.000254115 -.000062708 -.000096005 -.000019384 -.000914324 -.001814923 -.002668031 -.001060359 .000226925 .010701201 .000189296 .000134511 -.000142965 -.000200315 .000080598 -8.1774e-06 .000209031 -.000419813 .000362568 4.5590e-06 -7.9124e-06 -.00027458 -.000051173 -.000437026 .000181773
Hooked protestant .000192526 -.000059074 -.000074485 .000308289 -.000964328 -.000314341 .000517598 .000238669 .000089475 .000189296 .010466717 .004696991 .004600352 .004526013 .000403305 .000368701 .000080127 .00041817 -.000050058 -.000126866 -.000300094 .000398798 -.000301631 -.005026255 .00021633
Hooked catholic .000544316 -.000091755 .00025672 .000672545 .000119388 -.001958922 .001184218 .000123576 .000494543 .000134511 .004696991 .007702629 .004734922 .004494536 .000690661 .000312354 .000137352 -.000038655 .000155599 .000088946 -.000211006 .001048284 -.000758499 -.005916533 .000326869
Hooked jewish .000265879 -.000369626 -.000725239 -.001363294 .000725413 -.000130932 .001810038 .000152568 .000345608 -.000142965 .004600352 .004734922 .020597665 .004049408 .001486923 .001386548 .001238378 .000552464 .000051697 .000170772 .000703878 .001238299 -.000784711 -.005444191 -.000344403
Hooked other_religion .000522104 -.0001972 .000337367 .000270329 -.001881185 -.000545422 -.001951451 -.001318096 .000220786 -.000200315 .004526013 .004494536 .004049408 .011010914 .00059815 .000161718 5.0267e-06 -.000070578 -.000044399 -.000259738 -.000049776 .000153799 -.000303572 -.004709467 .000451303
Hooked rural .000504162 .000372369 .001227723 .000850843 -.000364232 .000336458 .000932524 .000405147 -.000251245 .000080598 .000403305 .000690661 .001486923 .00059815 .020634951 .002847382 .002718915 .00254437 .0000834 -.000660625 .000021447 .000853656 -.000505267 -.004276409 -.000204542
Hooked small_town .000397284 .000062836 .000544474 .000522615 .000426435 .00026094 .000789753 .000155215 -.000019809 -8.1774e-06 .000368701 .000312354 .001386548 .000161718 .002847382 .00742308 .002730775 .002447116 -7.9828e-06 -.000257087 .000023056 .000935754 -.000210265 -.003788769 -.000334659
Hooked medium_city .000044545 .00016551 .000294311 .000350324 -.000161651 -.000534279 .000242274 .000154511 -.000040331 .000209031 .000080127 .000137352 .001238378 5.0267e-06 .002718915 .002730775 .006810238 .002604642 -.000132194 .00001392 -.000018376 .000487403 -.000035643 -.003026309 -.00034677
Hooked large_city -.00016292 .000293257 .000266767 .000037354 -.002092192 -.001217715 -.000229902 -.000839812 .00022269 -.000419813 .00041817 -.000038655 .000552464 -.000070578 .00254437 .002447116 .002604642 .010460995 -.000048682 -1.2565e-11 -6.6127e-06 -.00016688 3.2639e-06 -.002340176 .000080023
Hooked mom_SomeCollege_x_years234 -.017375883 -.020919288 -.01103115 -.011083229 -.00069875 -.000237349 .000115974 -.000588928 .000515588 .000362568 -.000050058 .000155599 .000051697 -.000044399 .0000834 -7.9828e-06 -.000132194 -.000048682 .034627163 .017729567 .017817916 .000572147 -.00087993 .010737291 .000131383
Hooked mom_College_x_years234 -.017745649 -.011034656 -.018349714 -.011071493 -.000040928 -.000430692 -.000104915 -.00036347 .000458858 4.5590e-06 -.000126866 .000088946 .000170772 -.000259738 -.000660625 -.000257087 .00001392 -1.2565e-11 .017729567 .030169535 .017765111 .000022632 -.000025242 .011226032 -.00011598
Hooked mom_Graduate_x_years234 -.017187575 -.01109192 -.011068158 -.022112355 -.000692295 -.000256638 -.000151248 -.001022811 .000029687 -7.9124e-06 -.000300094 -.000211006 .000703878 -.000049776 .000021447 .000023056 -.000018376 -6.6127e-06 .017817916 .017765111 .035750876 .001382513 -.001602338 .010911658 -.000318749
Hooked school_high_fem .003521726 -.000570512 .000117424 -.001138338 .000462043 -.001417385 .000078198 -.000268841 -.000312295 -.00027458 .000398798 .001048284 .001238299 .000153799 .000853656 .000935754 .000487403 -.00016688 .000572147 .000022632 .001382513 .012161487 -.010877507 -.004113101 -.00158002
Hooked high_pct_female_x_years234 -.006326391 .000548534 -.000100835 .001225497 .000762109 .000788417 .000663368 .00052936 .000575095 -.000051173 -.000301631 -.000758499 -.000784711 -.000303572 -.000505267 -.000210265 -.000035643 3.2639e-06 -.00087993 -.000025242 -.001602338 -.010877507 .017456397 .003578662 .001093207
Hooked _cons -.012526286 -.011212895 -.012104023 -.012018097 -.001575624 -.001412342 -.002717537 -.0017455 -.000557125 -.000437026 -.005026255 -.005916533 -.005444191 -.004709467 -.004276409 -.003788769 -.003026309 -.002340176 .010737291 .011226032 .010911658 -.004113101 .003578662 .020769525 -.00078951
scho1 _cons .000241578 -.000204529 -.000300083 -.00018119 .000214471 .000507511 .000268078 .000081288 -.000284349 .000181773 .00021633 .000326869 -.000344403 .000451303 -.000204542 -.000334659 -.00034677 .000080023 .000131383 -.00011598 -.000318749 -.00158002 .001093207 -.00078951 .002889224
r1 0
c1 c2
r1 1 8
r2 8 8
e(frld), transpose
c1 0
c2 0
Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked scho1
years234 mom_SomeCollege mom_College mom_Graduate Black Hispanic Asian OtherRace mixed_race immigrant protestant catholic jewish other_religion rural small_town medium_city large_city mom_SomeCollege_x_years234 mom_College_x_years234 mom_Graduate_x_years234 school_high_fem high_pct_female_x_years234 _cons _cons
Hooked years234 .020354792 .010653558 .010901383 .010447997 -.000595029 -.000244178 -.000991107 -.000220329 -.00033953 -.000254115 .000192526 .000544316 .000265879 .000522104 .000504162 .000397284 .000044545 -.00016292 -.017375883 -.017745649 -.017187575 .003521726 -.006326391 -.012526286 .000241578
Hooked mom_SomeCollege .010653558 .021226874 .011427929 .011522456 .000557573 .001618641 .000823182 .000901672 -.00073839 -.000062708 -.000059074 -.000091755 -.000369626 -.0001972 .000372369 .000062836 .00016551 .000293257 -.020919288 -.011034656 -.01109192 -.000570512 .000548534 -.011212895 -.000204529
Hooked mom_College .010901383 .011427929 .018951678 .011762108 .000850011 .001993004 .001004275 .001073218 -.000440031 -.000096005 -.000074485 .00025672 -.000725239 .000337367 .001227723 .000544474 .000294311 .000266767 -.01103115 -.018349714 -.011068158 .000117424 -.000100835 -.012104023 -.000300083
Hooked mom_Graduate .010447997 .011522456 .011762108 .022920057 .001046261 .002047962 .001201889 .001684233 -.000085859 -.000019384 .000308289 .000672545 -.001363294 .000270329 .000850843 .000522615 .000350324 .000037354 -.011083229 -.011071493 -.022112355 -.001138338 .001225497 -.012018097 -.00018119
Hooked Black -.000595029 .000557573 .000850011 .001046261 .019011396 .002327351 .002979928 .002838615 -.001451737 -.000914324 -.000964328 .000119388 .000725413 -.001881185 -.000364232 .000426435 -.000161651 -.002092192 -.00069875 -.000040928 -.000692295 .000462043 .000762109 -.001575624 .000214471
Hooked Hispanic -.000244178 .001618641 .001993004 .002047962 .002327351 .012418295 .002256416 .002699618 -.001853329 -.001814923 -.000314341 -.001958922 -.000130932 -.000545422 .000336458 .00026094 -.000534279 -.001217715 -.000237349 -.000430692 -.000256638 -.001417385 .000788417 -.001412342 .000507511
Hooked Asian -.000991107 .000823182 .001004275 .001201889 .002979928 .002256416 .011511011 .002743405 -.000178204 -.002668031 .000517598 .001184218 .001810038 -.001951451 .000932524 .000789753 .000242274 -.000229902 .000115974 -.000104915 -.000151248 .000078198 .000663368 -.002717537 .000268078
Hooked OtherRace -.000220329 .000901672 .001073218 .001684233 .002838615 .002699618 .002743405 .027571494 -.003699601 -.001060359 .000238669 .000123576 .000152568 -.001318096 .000405147 .000155215 .000154511 -.000839812 -.000588928 -.00036347 -.001022811 -.000268841 .00052936 -.0017455 .000081288
Hooked mixed_race -.00033953 -.00073839 -.000440031 -.000085859 -.001451737 -.001853329 -.000178204 -.003699601 .009695682 .000226925 .000089475 .000494543 .000345608 .000220786 -.000251245 -.000019809 -.000040331 .00022269 .000515588 .000458858 .000029687 -.000312295 .000575095 -.000557125 -.000284349
Hooked immigrant -.000254115 -.000062708 -.000096005 -.000019384 -.000914324 -.001814923 -.002668031 -.001060359 .000226925 .010701201 .000189296 .000134511 -.000142965 -.000200315 .000080598 -8.1774e-06 .000209031 -.000419813 .000362568 4.5590e-06 -7.9124e-06 -.00027458 -.000051173 -.000437026 .000181773
Hooked protestant .000192526 -.000059074 -.000074485 .000308289 -.000964328 -.000314341 .000517598 .000238669 .000089475 .000189296 .010466717 .004696991 .004600352 .004526013 .000403305 .000368701 .000080127 .00041817 -.000050058 -.000126866 -.000300094 .000398798 -.000301631 -.005026255 .00021633
Hooked catholic .000544316 -.000091755 .00025672 .000672545 .000119388 -.001958922 .001184218 .000123576 .000494543 .000134511 .004696991 .007702629 .004734922 .004494536 .000690661 .000312354 .000137352 -.000038655 .000155599 .000088946 -.000211006 .001048284 -.000758499 -.005916533 .000326869
Hooked jewish .000265879 -.000369626 -.000725239 -.001363294 .000725413 -.000130932 .001810038 .000152568 .000345608 -.000142965 .004600352 .004734922 .020597665 .004049408 .001486923 .001386548 .001238378 .000552464 .000051697 .000170772 .000703878 .001238299 -.000784711 -.005444191 -.000344403
Hooked other_religion .000522104 -.0001972 .000337367 .000270329 -.001881185 -.000545422 -.001951451 -.001318096 .000220786 -.000200315 .004526013 .004494536 .004049408 .011010914 .00059815 .000161718 5.0267e-06 -.000070578 -.000044399 -.000259738 -.000049776 .000153799 -.000303572 -.004709467 .000451303
Hooked rural .000504162 .000372369 .001227723 .000850843 -.000364232 .000336458 .000932524 .000405147 -.000251245 .000080598 .000403305 .000690661 .001486923 .00059815 .020634951 .002847382 .002718915 .00254437 .0000834 -.000660625 .000021447 .000853656 -.000505267 -.004276409 -.000204542
Hooked small_town .000397284 .000062836 .000544474 .000522615 .000426435 .00026094 .000789753 .000155215 -.000019809 -8.1774e-06 .000368701 .000312354 .001386548 .000161718 .002847382 .00742308 .002730775 .002447116 -7.9828e-06 -.000257087 .000023056 .000935754 -.000210265 -.003788769 -.000334659
Hooked medium_city .000044545 .00016551 .000294311 .000350324 -.000161651 -.000534279 .000242274 .000154511 -.000040331 .000209031 .000080127 .000137352 .001238378 5.0267e-06 .002718915 .002730775 .006810238 .002604642 -.000132194 .00001392 -.000018376 .000487403 -.000035643 -.003026309 -.00034677
Hooked large_city -.00016292 .000293257 .000266767 .000037354 -.002092192 -.001217715 -.000229902 -.000839812 .00022269 -.000419813 .00041817 -.000038655 .000552464 -.000070578 .00254437 .002447116 .002604642 .010460995 -.000048682 -1.2565e-11 -6.6127e-06 -.00016688 3.2639e-06 -.002340176 .000080023
Hooked mom_SomeCollege_x_years234 -.017375883 -.020919288 -.01103115 -.011083229 -.00069875 -.000237349 .000115974 -.000588928 .000515588 .000362568 -.000050058 .000155599 .000051697 -.000044399 .0000834 -7.9828e-06 -.000132194 -.000048682 .034627163 .017729567 .017817916 .000572147 -.00087993 .010737291 .000131383
Hooked mom_College_x_years234 -.017745649 -.011034656 -.018349714 -.011071493 -.000040928 -.000430692 -.000104915 -.00036347 .000458858 4.5590e-06 -.000126866 .000088946 .000170772 -.000259738 -.000660625 -.000257087 .00001392 -1.2565e-11 .017729567 .030169535 .017765111 .000022632 -.000025242 .011226032 -.00011598
Hooked mom_Graduate_x_years234 -.017187575 -.01109192 -.011068158 -.022112355 -.000692295 -.000256638 -.000151248 -.001022811 .000029687 -7.9124e-06 -.000300094 -.000211006 .000703878 -.000049776 .000021447 .000023056 -.000018376 -6.6127e-06 .017817916 .017765111 .035750876 .001382513 -.001602338 .010911658 -.000318749
Hooked school_high_fem .003521726 -.000570512 .000117424 -.001138338 .000462043 -.001417385 .000078198 -.000268841 -.000312295 -.00027458 .000398798 .001048284 .001238299 .000153799 .000853656 .000935754 .000487403 -.00016688 .000572147 .000022632 .001382513 .012161487 -.010877507 -.004113101 -.00158002
Hooked high_pct_female_x_years234 -.006326391 .000548534 -.000100835 .001225497 .000762109 .000788417 .000663368 .00052936 .000575095 -.000051173 -.000301631 -.000758499 -.000784711 -.000303572 -.000505267 -.000210265 -.000035643 3.2639e-06 -.00087993 -.000025242 -.001602338 -.010877507 .017456397 .003578662 .001093207
Hooked _cons -.012526286 -.011212895 -.012104023 -.012018097 -.001575624 -.001412342 -.002717537 -.0017455 -.000557125 -.000437026 -.005026255 -.005916533 -.005444191 -.004709467 -.004276409 -.003788769 -.003026309 -.002340176 .010737291 .011226032 .010911658 -.004113101 .003578662 .020769525 -.00078951
scho1 _cons .000241578 -.000204529 -.000300083 -.00018119 .000214471 .000507511 .000268078 .000081288 -.000284349 .000181773 .00021633 .000326869 -.000344403 .000451303 -.000204542 -.000334659 -.00034677 .000080023 .000131383 -.00011598 -.000318749 -.00158002 .001093207 -.00078951 .002889224
e(nu), transpose
c1 4980
c2 21
e(nbrf), transpose
c1 0
c1 1
r1 24
c1 c2
r1 1 2
r2 1 2
r1 .419247512
e(zlc8), transpose
c1 c1 4.14454719
c1 c2 -4.14454719
c2 c1 2.80248586
c2 c2 -2.80248586
c3 c1 1.63651904
c3 c2 -1.63651904
c4 c1 .539079811
c4 c2 -.539079811
e(zps8), transpose
c1 c1 -9.09153974
c1 c2 -9.09153974
c2 c1 -4.64233013
c2 c2 -4.64233013
c3 c1 -2.14353295
c3 c2 -2.14353295
c4 c1 -.986143997
c4 c2 -.986143997
e(gradient), transpose
Hooked years234 1.2026e-08
Hooked mom_SomeCollege 6.2758e-09
Hooked mom_College 6.6838e-09
Hooked mom_Graduate 2.3200e-09
Hooked Black 3.8066e-09
Hooked Hispanic 1.1949e-09
Hooked Asian 3.2993e-09
Hooked OtherRace 9.5865e-10
Hooked mixed_race 3.3279e-09
Hooked immigrant 1.5442e-09
Hooked protestant 2.7531e-09
Hooked catholic 7.6181e-09
Hooked jewish 2.3171e-09
Hooked other_religion 2.7689e-09
Hooked rural 1.3024e-09
Hooked small_town 5.3965e-09
Hooked medium_city 3.8280e-09
Hooked large_city 1.7220e-09
Hooked mom_SomeCollege_x_years234 4.3071e-09
Hooked mom_College_x_years234 2.1294e-09
Hooked mom_Graduate_x_years234 3.4987e-09
Hooked school_high_fem 2.0306e-08
Hooked high_pct_female_x_years234 1.6170e-08
Hooked _cons 7.1113e-09
scho1 _cons 3.1061e-08
e(ilog), transpose
c1 -3089.01991
c2 -3078.47288
c3 -3075.03189
c4 -3075.0294
c5 -3075.0294
c6 0
c7 0
c8 0
c9 0
c10 0
c11 0
c12 0
c13 0
c14 0
c15 0
c16 0
c17 0
c18 0
c19 0
c20 0
e(ml_d0_s), transpose
c1 1.21115239
c2 43.0767828
c3 39.2599044
c4 4.40282348
c5 687.222479
c6 5.59189989
c7 1.2406028
c8 4.06284882
c9 13.7425713
c10 9.60939971
c11 341.576934
c12 2.34525029
c13 1.74912889
c14 18.6205168
c15 22.934062
c16 8.99723385
c17 6.44935586
c18 11.4663522
c19 6.34173102
c20 6.36606911
c21 17.3745588
c22 2.4424558
c23 5.1049503
c24 4.04177614
c25 .940614582