Casual Contraception in Casual Sex

Model Name:Hooked3_Women
Description:P(Hooked | >year1×ses, >year1×%fem, demo., school r.e.) Among Women
Dependent Variable:Hooked
Independent Variables:years234 + mom_SomeCollege + mom_College + mom_Graduate + Black + Hispanic + Asian + OtherRace + mixed_race + immigrant + protestant + catholic + jewish + other_religion + rural + small_town + medium_city + large_city + mom_SomeCollege_x_years234 + mom_College_x_years234 + mom_Graduate_x_years234 + school_high_fem + high_pct_female_x_years234
Subset:if female == 1
Options:i(school) link(logit) family(bin)
Time & Date Computed:16:19:41, 11 Dec 2014

Sections in which this model is embedded

  1. AllOutcomes — Regressions on Assorted Outcomes

Estimates Replay

gllamm Hooked years234 mom_SomeCollege mom_College mom_Graduate Black Hispanic Asian OtherRace mixed_race immigrant protestant catholic jewish other_religion rural small_town medium_city large_city mom_SomeCollege_x_years234 mom_College_x_years234 mom_Graduate_x_years234 school_high_fem high_pct_female_x_years234  if female == 1  , i(school) link(logit) family(bin)

Model Hooked3_Women
number of level 1 units = 11812
number of level 2 units = 21
Condition Number = 16.469421
gllamm model 
log likelihood = -7346.9325
                    Hooked |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                  years234 |   .8420163   .0899112     9.36   0.000     .6657935    1.018239
           mom_SomeCollege |   .2124646   .0881213     2.41   0.016     .0397501    .3851792
               mom_College |   .3018332   .0818377     3.69   0.000     .1414342    .4622321
              mom_Graduate |   .3805399   .0946641     4.02   0.000     .1950017    .5660781
                     Black |  -.5710549   .0878279    -6.50   0.000    -.7431943   -.3989154
                  Hispanic |   -.588726   .0659756    -8.92   0.000    -.7180358   -.4594162
                     Asian |  -.7509769   .0750077   -10.01   0.000    -.8979893   -.6039646
                 OtherRace |  -.5323795   .1005416    -5.30   0.000    -.7294374   -.3353217
                mixed_race |   .2136486   .0636533     3.36   0.001     .0888903    .3384068
                 immigrant |  -.2622312   .0717772    -3.65   0.000     -.402912   -.1215504
                protestant |  -.3516407   .0681338    -5.16   0.000    -.4851804   -.2181009
                  catholic |   .0939888   .0586743     1.60   0.109    -.0210106    .2089882
                    jewish |   .2614972   .0962141     2.72   0.007     .0729211    .4500733
            other_religion |  -.2584242   .0664416    -3.89   0.000    -.3886475    -.128201
                     rural |  -.2228553    .086474    -2.58   0.010    -.3923412   -.0533694
                small_town |  -.1479838   .0546977    -2.71   0.007    -.2551894   -.0407783
               medium_city |  -.2047504   .0546522    -3.75   0.000    -.3118667   -.0976342
                large_city |  -.2475114   .0657512    -3.76   0.000    -.3763814   -.1186414
mom_SomeCollege_x_years234 |  -.0445647   .1133481    -0.39   0.694    -.2667228    .1775934
    mom_College_x_years234 |  -.0228046   .1070119    -0.21   0.831     -.232544    .1869348
   mom_Graduate_x_years234 |  -.0222893   .1223771    -0.18   0.855    -.2621439    .2175654
           school_high_fem |   .2123116   .0646707     3.28   0.001     .0855593    .3390639
high_pct_female_x_years234 |  -.1193996   .0820093    -1.46   0.145    -.2801349    .0413357
                     _cons |   .1569001   .0918556     1.71   0.088    -.0231337    .3369338
Variances and covariances of random effects

***level 2 (school)
    var(1): .18716329 (.02408201)

N 11812
ic 4
k_dv 1
k_eq 2
k 25
rank 25
converged 1
ll -7346.93250695177
rc 0
_estimates_name Hooked3_Women
cmd gllamm
Apparatus_ModelName___ Hooked3_Women
predict gllapred
cn 16.46942084165495
comp 0
ind __000005
init 0
cor 1
denom __000004
expf 0
exp 0
link logit
famil binom
cip 1
mult 0
free 0
clus school __000006
tpff 1
tpi 2
prior 0
tprf 2
tplv 2
bmat 0
lev1 0
oth 1
smlog 0
mlog 0
ethr 0
k_eform 1
nolog 0
ngeqs 0
inter 0
const 0
adapt 0
noC1 0
noC 0
nats 0
vce oim
opt ml
title gllamm model
depvar Hooked
ml_method d0
user gllam_ll
chi2type LR
crittype log likelihood
technique nr
properties b V


e(b), transpose
Hooked years234 .842016273
Hooked mom_SomeCollege .21246464
Hooked mom_College .301833164
Hooked mom_Graduate .380539908
Hooked Black -.571054892
Hooked Hispanic -.58872597
Hooked Asian -.750976933
Hooked OtherRace -.53237952
Hooked mixed_race .213648574
Hooked immigrant -.262231216
Hooked protestant -.351640661
Hooked catholic .09398881
Hooked jewish .261497216
Hooked other_religion -.258424233
Hooked rural -.222855296
Hooked small_town -.147983816
Hooked medium_city -.204750423
Hooked large_city -.247511387
Hooked mom_SomeCollege_x_years234 -.0445647
Hooked mom_College_x_years234 -.02280458
Hooked mom_Graduate_x_years234 -.022289277
Hooked school_high_fem .212311609
Hooked high_pct_female_x_years234 -.119399568
Hooked _cons .156900051
scho1 _cons .432623733
Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked scho1
years234 mom_SomeCollege mom_College mom_Graduate Black Hispanic Asian OtherRace mixed_race immigrant protestant catholic jewish other_religion rural small_town medium_city large_city mom_SomeCollege_x_years234 mom_College_x_years234 mom_Graduate_x_years234 school_high_fem high_pct_female_x_years234 _cons _cons
Hooked years234 .008084027 .003633876 .00372616 .00362644 -.000255661 -.000136451 -.000356462 -.000218818 .000065371 -.000059513 -.000251731 -.00001994 .000027598 -.000118207 .000143572 .000215045 .000030604 1.4679e-07 -.006182135 -.006221169 -.006205483 .001968648 -.003446282 -.004553064 .000116138
Hooked mom_SomeCollege .003633876 .007765361 .003791435 .003791661 -.000092954 .000503896 .000101019 .000200691 -.000144317 .000148048 -.000148857 -.000080278 -.000183807 -.000054732 .000056414 .000094815 .000093035 .000242823 -.007671553 -.003668367 -.003656219 6.9991e-06 -8.3764e-06 -.003820778 -.000010155
Hooked mom_College .00372616 .003791435 .00669741 .00396781 .000198342 .000752482 .000286058 .000388909 -.000065471 9.0156e-06 -.000264377 .000054474 -.000408519 -8.4606e-06 .000339941 .000261596 .000242324 .000314398 -.003659846 -.00646837 -.003687318 .000205265 -.000192374 -.004224827 -.000051614
Hooked mom_Graduate .00362644 .003791661 .00396781 .008961288 .000374744 .000851409 .000357908 .000432046 -.000095337 -.000099713 -.000163726 .000141351 -.000774661 .000037882 .00042329 .000329793 .00021231 .000197161 -.003656831 -.003705054 -.008616656 .000018052 .00001303 -.004206579 -.000033249
Hooked Black -.000255661 -.000092954 .000198342 .000374744 .007713733 .000873839 .001388283 .00140625 -.000811337 -.000272196 -.000246847 .000140888 .000425 -.0010847 .000266956 .000333921 4.9458e-06 -.000761832 -.00010088 -.000112828 -.00020968 .000263428 .000329044 -.000689543 .000048327
Hooked Hispanic -.000136451 .000503896 .000752482 .000851409 .000873839 .00435278 .000894685 .001108183 -.000497212 -.000550808 -.000070792 -.000883508 .000099089 -.000199772 .000190994 .000250278 -.000142841 -.000593199 -.000125122 -.000216183 -.000209934 -.000380368 .000333737 -.000567831 -.000062707
Hooked Asian -.000356462 .000101019 .000286058 .000357908 .001388283 .000894685 .00562615 .001242462 -.000131457 -.001489142 .000244454 .000482636 .000817955 -.000669084 .000498006 .000446598 .000146123 -.000064115 .000141267 .000041022 -.000076787 .000087678 .000297825 -.001178958 4.7486e-07
Hooked OtherRace -.000218818 .000200691 .000388909 .000432046 .00140625 .001108183 .001242462 .010108607 -.00177602 -.000695296 -.000021709 -.000059924 .00008321 -.000589503 .000134123 .000278112 -7.2319e-06 -.000230337 6.9379e-06 -.000083635 -.000100012 -.000051203 .000185158 -.000642977 -.00007612
Hooked mixed_race .000065371 -.000144317 -.000065471 -.000095337 -.000811337 -.000497212 -.000131457 -.00177602 .004051748 .000194224 .000030968 .000183912 .000281336 .000097071 .000075548 .000042625 9.2029e-06 .000104182 -1.0545e-06 -.000029842 -.000038301 -.000141664 .000108121 -.000379873 -.000080589
Hooked immigrant -.000059513 .000148048 9.0156e-06 -.000099713 -.000272196 -.000550808 -.001489142 -.000695296 .000194224 .005151971 .000084207 1.7921e-06 .000046394 -.000040006 .000087558 .000042156 .000047269 -.000148407 -.00001394 -.000067391 .000029912 -.000047792 2.4631e-06 -.000204726 3.0725e-06
Hooked protestant -.000251731 -.000148857 -.000264377 -.000163726 -.000246847 -.000070792 .000244454 -.000021709 .000030968 .000084207 .004642214 .002125906 .00212134 .002117198 -.000086881 .000051011 .000086157 .000159411 .000174211 .000178561 .00012514 .000144982 .000059641 -.00201825 .000077983
Hooked catholic -.00001994 -.000080278 .000054474 .000141351 .000140888 -.000883508 .000482636 -.000059924 .000183912 1.7921e-06 .002125906 .003442668 .002113246 .002093496 .000037698 .000054891 .00008886 .000110825 .000190154 .000121262 .000200448 .000364861 -.000069648 -.002470443 .000179067
Hooked jewish .000027598 -.000183807 -.000408519 -.000774661 .000425 .000099089 .000817955 .00008321 .000281336 .000046394 .00212134 .002113246 .009257146 .001884485 .000422071 .000460092 .000415208 .000117442 .000184756 .000197214 .000423439 .000347923 -.000152906 -.002487778 -.000087502
Hooked other_religion -.000118207 -.000054732 -8.4606e-06 .000037882 -.0010847 -.000199772 -.000669084 -.000589503 .000097071 -.000040006 .002117198 .002093496 .001884485 .004414493 9.3164e-06 .00009194 3.3369e-08 .000057624 .00006429 .000093916 .000183598 .000197895 -9.8059e-06 -.002007655 .000190545
Hooked rural .000143572 .000056414 .000339941 .00042329 .000266956 .000190994 .000498006 .000134123 .000075548 .000087558 -.000086881 .000037698 .000422071 9.3164e-06 .007477747 .00133904 .001262245 .001178943 .000039311 -.000035516 -.000121698 .000281533 -.000111495 -.001758851 -.000010786
Hooked small_town .000215045 .000094815 .000261596 .000329793 .000333921 .000250278 .000446598 .000278112 .000042625 .000042156 .000051011 .000054891 .000460092 .00009194 .00133904 .002991841 .001261393 .001165722 7.1471e-06 -.000075446 -.000117549 .000200328 -.000105261 -.001803954 -.000053893
Hooked medium_city .000030604 .000093035 .000242324 .00021231 4.9458e-06 -.000142841 .000146123 -7.2319e-06 9.2029e-06 .000047269 .000086157 .00008886 .000415208 3.3369e-08 .001262245 .001261393 .002986858 .001266968 2.7649e-07 -.000079759 -.000065567 -.000098244 .000053593 -.001438135 -.000135734
Hooked large_city 1.4679e-07 .000242823 .000314398 .000197161 -.000761832 -.000593199 -.000064115 -.000230337 .000104182 -.000148407 .000159411 .000110825 .000117442 .000057624 .001178943 .001165722 .001266968 .004323221 -.000053652 -.000035746 -.000067045 -.000017366 .000052384 -.001357996 -3.6690e-06
Hooked mom_SomeCollege_x_years234 -.006182135 -.007671553 -.003659846 -.003656831 -.00010088 -.000125122 .000141267 6.9379e-06 -1.0545e-06 -.00001394 .000174211 .000190154 .000184756 .00006429 .000039311 7.1471e-06 2.7649e-07 -.000053652 .012847784 .006220134 .006210348 -.000060968 -.000040684 .003570617 -6.5189e-06
Hooked mom_College_x_years234 -.006221169 -.003668367 -.00646837 -.003705054 -.000112828 -.000216183 .000041022 -.000083635 -.000029842 -.000067391 .000178561 .000121262 .000197214 .000093916 -.000035516 -.000075446 -.000079759 -.000035746 .006220134 .011451537 .006243883 -.000268175 .000038768 .003804975 -.000015651
Hooked mom_Graduate_x_years234 -.006205483 -.003656219 -.003687318 -.008616656 -.00020968 -.000209934 -.000076787 -.000100012 -.000038301 .000029912 .00012514 .000200448 .000423439 .000183598 -.000121698 -.000117549 -.000065567 -.000067045 .006210348 .006243883 .014976148 -.000101933 -.000023571 .003672966 -.000095287
Hooked school_high_fem .001968648 6.9991e-06 .000205265 .000018052 .000263428 -.000380368 .000087678 -.000051203 -.000141664 -.000047792 .000144982 .000364861 .000347923 .000197895 .000281533 .000200328 -.000098244 -.000017366 -.000060968 -.000268175 -.000101933 .004182302 -.003605387 -.002354652 .000435436
Hooked high_pct_female_x_years234 -.003446282 -8.3764e-06 -.000192374 .00001303 .000329044 .000333737 .000297825 .000185158 .000108121 2.4631e-06 .000059641 -.000069648 -.000152906 -9.8059e-06 -.000111495 -.000105261 .000053593 .000052384 -.000040684 .000038768 -.000023571 -.003605387 .006725528 .001711736 .000214027
Hooked _cons -.004553064 -.003820778 -.004224827 -.004206579 -.000689543 -.000567831 -.001178958 -.000642977 -.000379873 -.000204726 -.00201825 -.002470443 -.002487778 -.002007655 -.001758851 -.001803954 -.001438135 -.001357996 .003570617 .003804975 .003672966 -.002354652 .001711736 .008437456 -.000253914
scho1 _cons .000116138 -.000010155 -.000051614 -.000033249 .000048327 -.000062707 4.7486e-07 -.00007612 -.000080589 3.0725e-06 .000077983 .000179067 -.000087502 .000190545 -.000010786 -.000053893 -.000135734 -3.6690e-06 -6.5189e-06 -.000015651 -.000095287 .000435436 .000214027 -.000253914 .000774649
r1 0
c1 c2
r1 1 8
r2 8 8
e(frld), transpose
c1 0
c2 0
Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked Hooked scho1
years234 mom_SomeCollege mom_College mom_Graduate Black Hispanic Asian OtherRace mixed_race immigrant protestant catholic jewish other_religion rural small_town medium_city large_city mom_SomeCollege_x_years234 mom_College_x_years234 mom_Graduate_x_years234 school_high_fem high_pct_female_x_years234 _cons _cons
Hooked years234 .008084027 .003633876 .00372616 .00362644 -.000255661 -.000136451 -.000356462 -.000218818 .000065371 -.000059513 -.000251731 -.00001994 .000027598 -.000118207 .000143572 .000215045 .000030604 1.4679e-07 -.006182135 -.006221169 -.006205483 .001968648 -.003446282 -.004553064 .000116138
Hooked mom_SomeCollege .003633876 .007765361 .003791435 .003791661 -.000092954 .000503896 .000101019 .000200691 -.000144317 .000148048 -.000148857 -.000080278 -.000183807 -.000054732 .000056414 .000094815 .000093035 .000242823 -.007671553 -.003668367 -.003656219 6.9991e-06 -8.3764e-06 -.003820778 -.000010155
Hooked mom_College .00372616 .003791435 .00669741 .00396781 .000198342 .000752482 .000286058 .000388909 -.000065471 9.0156e-06 -.000264377 .000054474 -.000408519 -8.4606e-06 .000339941 .000261596 .000242324 .000314398 -.003659846 -.00646837 -.003687318 .000205265 -.000192374 -.004224827 -.000051614
Hooked mom_Graduate .00362644 .003791661 .00396781 .008961288 .000374744 .000851409 .000357908 .000432046 -.000095337 -.000099713 -.000163726 .000141351 -.000774661 .000037882 .00042329 .000329793 .00021231 .000197161 -.003656831 -.003705054 -.008616656 .000018052 .00001303 -.004206579 -.000033249
Hooked Black -.000255661 -.000092954 .000198342 .000374744 .007713733 .000873839 .001388283 .00140625 -.000811337 -.000272196 -.000246847 .000140888 .000425 -.0010847 .000266956 .000333921 4.9458e-06 -.000761832 -.00010088 -.000112828 -.00020968 .000263428 .000329044 -.000689543 .000048327
Hooked Hispanic -.000136451 .000503896 .000752482 .000851409 .000873839 .00435278 .000894685 .001108183 -.000497212 -.000550808 -.000070792 -.000883508 .000099089 -.000199772 .000190994 .000250278 -.000142841 -.000593199 -.000125122 -.000216183 -.000209934 -.000380368 .000333737 -.000567831 -.000062707
Hooked Asian -.000356462 .000101019 .000286058 .000357908 .001388283 .000894685 .00562615 .001242462 -.000131457 -.001489142 .000244454 .000482636 .000817955 -.000669084 .000498006 .000446598 .000146123 -.000064115 .000141267 .000041022 -.000076787 .000087678 .000297825 -.001178958 4.7486e-07
Hooked OtherRace -.000218818 .000200691 .000388909 .000432046 .00140625 .001108183 .001242462 .010108607 -.00177602 -.000695296 -.000021709 -.000059924 .00008321 -.000589503 .000134123 .000278112 -7.2319e-06 -.000230337 6.9379e-06 -.000083635 -.000100012 -.000051203 .000185158 -.000642977 -.00007612
Hooked mixed_race .000065371 -.000144317 -.000065471 -.000095337 -.000811337 -.000497212 -.000131457 -.00177602 .004051748 .000194224 .000030968 .000183912 .000281336 .000097071 .000075548 .000042625 9.2029e-06 .000104182 -1.0545e-06 -.000029842 -.000038301 -.000141664 .000108121 -.000379873 -.000080589
Hooked immigrant -.000059513 .000148048 9.0156e-06 -.000099713 -.000272196 -.000550808 -.001489142 -.000695296 .000194224 .005151971 .000084207 1.7921e-06 .000046394 -.000040006 .000087558 .000042156 .000047269 -.000148407 -.00001394 -.000067391 .000029912 -.000047792 2.4631e-06 -.000204726 3.0725e-06
Hooked protestant -.000251731 -.000148857 -.000264377 -.000163726 -.000246847 -.000070792 .000244454 -.000021709 .000030968 .000084207 .004642214 .002125906 .00212134 .002117198 -.000086881 .000051011 .000086157 .000159411 .000174211 .000178561 .00012514 .000144982 .000059641 -.00201825 .000077983
Hooked catholic -.00001994 -.000080278 .000054474 .000141351 .000140888 -.000883508 .000482636 -.000059924 .000183912 1.7921e-06 .002125906 .003442668 .002113246 .002093496 .000037698 .000054891 .00008886 .000110825 .000190154 .000121262 .000200448 .000364861 -.000069648 -.002470443 .000179067
Hooked jewish .000027598 -.000183807 -.000408519 -.000774661 .000425 .000099089 .000817955 .00008321 .000281336 .000046394 .00212134 .002113246 .009257146 .001884485 .000422071 .000460092 .000415208 .000117442 .000184756 .000197214 .000423439 .000347923 -.000152906 -.002487778 -.000087502
Hooked other_religion -.000118207 -.000054732 -8.4606e-06 .000037882 -.0010847 -.000199772 -.000669084 -.000589503 .000097071 -.000040006 .002117198 .002093496 .001884485 .004414493 9.3164e-06 .00009194 3.3369e-08 .000057624 .00006429 .000093916 .000183598 .000197895 -9.8059e-06 -.002007655 .000190545
Hooked rural .000143572 .000056414 .000339941 .00042329 .000266956 .000190994 .000498006 .000134123 .000075548 .000087558 -.000086881 .000037698 .000422071 9.3164e-06 .007477747 .00133904 .001262245 .001178943 .000039311 -.000035516 -.000121698 .000281533 -.000111495 -.001758851 -.000010786
Hooked small_town .000215045 .000094815 .000261596 .000329793 .000333921 .000250278 .000446598 .000278112 .000042625 .000042156 .000051011 .000054891 .000460092 .00009194 .00133904 .002991841 .001261393 .001165722 7.1471e-06 -.000075446 -.000117549 .000200328 -.000105261 -.001803954 -.000053893
Hooked medium_city .000030604 .000093035 .000242324 .00021231 4.9458e-06 -.000142841 .000146123 -7.2319e-06 9.2029e-06 .000047269 .000086157 .00008886 .000415208 3.3369e-08 .001262245 .001261393 .002986858 .001266968 2.7649e-07 -.000079759 -.000065567 -.000098244 .000053593 -.001438135 -.000135734
Hooked large_city 1.4679e-07 .000242823 .000314398 .000197161 -.000761832 -.000593199 -.000064115 -.000230337 .000104182 -.000148407 .000159411 .000110825 .000117442 .000057624 .001178943 .001165722 .001266968 .004323221 -.000053652 -.000035746 -.000067045 -.000017366 .000052384 -.001357996 -3.6690e-06
Hooked mom_SomeCollege_x_years234 -.006182135 -.007671553 -.003659846 -.003656831 -.00010088 -.000125122 .000141267 6.9379e-06 -1.0545e-06 -.00001394 .000174211 .000190154 .000184756 .00006429 .000039311 7.1471e-06 2.7649e-07 -.000053652 .012847784 .006220134 .006210348 -.000060968 -.000040684 .003570617 -6.5189e-06
Hooked mom_College_x_years234 -.006221169 -.003668367 -.00646837 -.003705054 -.000112828 -.000216183 .000041022 -.000083635 -.000029842 -.000067391 .000178561 .000121262 .000197214 .000093916 -.000035516 -.000075446 -.000079759 -.000035746 .006220134 .011451537 .006243883 -.000268175 .000038768 .003804975 -.000015651
Hooked mom_Graduate_x_years234 -.006205483 -.003656219 -.003687318 -.008616656 -.00020968 -.000209934 -.000076787 -.000100012 -.000038301 .000029912 .00012514 .000200448 .000423439 .000183598 -.000121698 -.000117549 -.000065567 -.000067045 .006210348 .006243883 .014976148 -.000101933 -.000023571 .003672966 -.000095287
Hooked school_high_fem .001968648 6.9991e-06 .000205265 .000018052 .000263428 -.000380368 .000087678 -.000051203 -.000141664 -.000047792 .000144982 .000364861 .000347923 .000197895 .000281533 .000200328 -.000098244 -.000017366 -.000060968 -.000268175 -.000101933 .004182302 -.003605387 -.002354652 .000435436
Hooked high_pct_female_x_years234 -.003446282 -8.3764e-06 -.000192374 .00001303 .000329044 .000333737 .000297825 .000185158 .000108121 2.4631e-06 .000059641 -.000069648 -.000152906 -9.8059e-06 -.000111495 -.000105261 .000053593 .000052384 -.000040684 .000038768 -.000023571 -.003605387 .006725528 .001711736 .000214027
Hooked _cons -.004553064 -.003820778 -.004224827 -.004206579 -.000689543 -.000567831 -.001178958 -.000642977 -.000379873 -.000204726 -.00201825 -.002470443 -.002487778 -.002007655 -.001758851 -.001803954 -.001438135 -.001357996 .003570617 .003804975 .003672966 -.002354652 .001711736 .008437456 -.000253914
scho1 _cons .000116138 -.000010155 -.000051614 -.000033249 .000048327 -.000062707 4.7486e-07 -.00007612 -.000080589 3.0725e-06 .000077983 .000179067 -.000087502 .000190545 -.000010786 -.000053893 -.000135734 -3.6690e-06 -6.5189e-06 -.000015651 -.000095287 .000435436 .000214027 -.000253914 .000774649
e(nu), transpose
c1 11812
c2 21
e(nbrf), transpose
c1 0
c1 1
r1 24
c1 c2
r1 1 2
r2 1 2
r1 .432623733
e(zlc8), transpose
c1 c1 4.14454719
c1 c2 -4.14454719
c2 c1 2.80248586
c2 c2 -2.80248586
c3 c1 1.63651904
c3 c2 -1.63651904
c4 c1 .539079811
c4 c2 -.539079811
e(zps8), transpose
c1 c1 -9.09153974
c1 c2 -9.09153974
c2 c1 -4.64233013
c2 c2 -4.64233013
c3 c1 -2.14353295
c3 c2 -2.14353295
c4 c1 -.986143997
c4 c2 -.986143997
e(gradient), transpose
Hooked years234 -.000138542
Hooked mom_SomeCollege -.000074248
Hooked mom_College -.000075033
Hooked mom_Graduate -.000039724
Hooked Black -.000029425
Hooked Hispanic -9.2161e-06
Hooked Asian -9.8320e-06
Hooked OtherRace -5.5399e-06
Hooked mixed_race -.000022393
Hooked immigrant -.000013497
Hooked protestant -.000063108
Hooked catholic -.000092862
Hooked jewish -2.8004e-06
Hooked other_religion -.000065181
Hooked rural -.000033133
Hooked small_town -.000059049
Hooked medium_city -.000053784
Hooked large_city -.000019212
Hooked mom_SomeCollege_x_years234 -.000046963
Hooked mom_College_x_years234 -.000081185
Hooked mom_Graduate_x_years234 -.00002005
Hooked school_high_fem 1.4455e-06
Hooked high_pct_female_x_years234 -1.4734e-06
Hooked _cons -.000283092
scho1 _cons .000054871
e(ilog), transpose
c1 -7384.46797
c2 -7364.01484
c3 -7347.34122
c4 -7346.93254
c5 -7346.93251
c6 0
c7 0
c8 0
c9 0
c10 0
c11 0
c12 0
c13 0
c14 0
c15 0
c16 0
c17 0
c18 0
c19 0
c20 0
e(ml_d0_s), transpose
c1 .941324972
c2 5.43627085
c3 1.83969596
c4 3.11335779
c5 2.30629321
c6 1.89019793
c7 1.1770606
c8 4.16366368
c9 6.66918922
c10 4.04030205
c11 4.11674632
c12 8.0574889
c13 11.6505335
c14 2.87482412
c15 8.9761308
c16 7.61653606
c17 5.33866818
c18 3.25133489
c19 19.4693413
c20 43.5996472
c21 52.1528209
c22 3.21216235
c23 4.94992665
c24 3.31710481
c25 .764497715