Casual Contraception in Casual Sex

Model Name:Coitus_Men_year2ttests
Title:Year 2
Description:Do the Characteristics of Year 2 Men Differ From Year 1 Men, Coitus Sample
Method:estpost prtest
Covariates:mom_HSOrLess + suburb + White + partner_white + no_religion + mom_SomeCollege + mom_College + mom_Graduate + Black + Hispanic + Asian + OtherRace + mixed_race + immigrant + protestant + catholic + jewish + other_religion + rural + small_town + medium_city + large_city + partner_black + partner_hispanic + partner_asian + partner_mixed_race + partner_race_other_none + coitus_without_condom
Subset:if female == 0 & ( (sophomore == 0 & junior == 0 & senior == 0) | sophomore == 1 )
Time & Date Computed:19:08:56, 5 Dec 2014

Sections in which this model is embedded

  1. Descriptives — Means and Proportion Tests by Year of College

Estimates Replay

estpost prtest  mom_HSOrLess suburb White partner_white no_religion mom_SomeCollege mom_College mom_Graduate Black Hispanic Asian OtherRace mixed_race partner_black partner_hispanic partner_asian partner_mixed_race partner_race_other_none immigrant protestant catholic jewish other_religion rural small_town medium_city large_city coitus_without_condom  if female == 0                                                                                                                                                      & ( (sophomore == 0 & junior == 0 & senior == 0) |                                                        sophomore == 1 ), by(sophomore)

Model Coitus_Men_year2ttests

                                                  Number of obs   =       1859
                        |      Coef.
           mom_HSOrLess |  -.0002824
                 suburb |   .0195605
                  White |   .0887522
          partner_white |   .1229116
            no_religion |  -.0101032
        mom_SomeCollege |  -.0150177
            mom_College |   .0154472
           mom_Graduate |  -.0001471
                  Black |  -.0507725
               Hispanic |  -.0066441
                  Asian |   -.031998
              OtherRace |   .0006624
             mixed_race |   .0158908
          partner_black |   -.023955
       partner_hispanic |  -.0250398
          partner_asian |  -.0405117
     partner_mixed_race |  -.0386468
partner_race_other_none |   .0052416
              immigrant |  -.0124434
             protestant |  -.0247562
               catholic |   .0268893
                 jewish |   .0218642
         other_religion |  -.0138941
                  rural |  -.0226913
             small_town |   .0268187
            medium_city |   .0169238
             large_city |  -.0406117
  coitus_without_condom |  -.0478793
k 28
N 1859
_estimates_name Coitus_Men_year2ttests
cmd estpost
Apparatus_ModelName___ Coitus_Men_year2ttests
subcmd prtest
byvar sophomore
properties b


e(b), transpose
mom_HSOrLess -.000282377
suburb .01956048
White .088752224
partner_white .122911588
no_religion -.010103209
mom_SomeCollege -.015017743
mom_College .015447191
mom_Graduate -.000147071
Black -.050772536
Hispanic -.006644092
Asian -.031998005
OtherRace .000662409
mixed_race .015890758
partner_black -.02395497
partner_hispanic -.025039768
partner_asian -.040511667
partner_mixed_race -.038646803
partner_race_other_none .00524162
immigrant -.012443407
protestant -.024756215
catholic .026889337
jewish .021864205
other_religion -.013894118
rural -.022691334
small_town .026818742
medium_city .016923786
large_city -.040611675
coitus_without_condom -.04787935
e(count), transpose
mom_HSOrLess 1859
suburb 1859
White 1859
partner_white 1859
no_religion 1859
mom_SomeCollege 1859
mom_College 1859
mom_Graduate 1859
Black 1859
Hispanic 1859
Asian 1859
OtherRace 1859
mixed_race 1859
partner_black 1859
partner_hispanic 1859
partner_asian 1859
partner_mixed_race 1859
partner_race_other_none 1859
immigrant 1859
protestant 1859
catholic 1859
jewish 1859
other_religion 1859
rural 1859
small_town 1859
medium_city 1859
large_city 1859
coitus_without_condom 1859
e(se), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .018383939
suburb .022618855
White .020433884
partner_white .02036739
no_religion .018269357
mom_SomeCollege .020007404
mom_College .021856168
mom_Graduate .020122952
Black .011997294
Hispanic .013917299
Asian .011083992
OtherRace .008120255
mixed_race .01554386
partner_black .008741831
partner_hispanic .011248579
partner_asian .011787451
partner_mixed_race .012516014
partner_race_other_none .006059052
immigrant .012923995
protestant .016259594
catholic .023190021
jewish .014444671
other_religion .015574772
rural .010801823
small_town .019816333
medium_city .019352609
large_city .014915767
coitus_without_condom .013588981
e(se0), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .018382617
suburb .022653579
White .020240225
partner_white .020152134
no_religion .01822258
mom_SomeCollege .019956021
mom_College .021893879
mom_Graduate .020122433
Black .011536838
Hispanic .013864509
Asian .010747921
OtherRace .008130928
mixed_race .015654013
partner_black .008397289
partner_hispanic .010987566
partner_asian .011402751
partner_mixed_race .01217815
partner_race_other_none .006175564
immigrant .012814681
protestant .016115953
catholic .023218163
jewish .014617844
other_religion .015484867
rural .010551207
small_town .019925202
medium_city .019424601
large_city .0146492
coitus_without_condom .013227445
e(z), transpose
mom_HSOrLess -.015361081
suburb .863460943
White 4.3849426
partner_white 6.09918471
no_religion -.554433491
mom_SomeCollege -.752541945
mom_College .70554838
mom_Graduate -.007308822
Black -4.40090555
Hispanic -.479215822
Asian -2.97713432
OtherRace .081467834
mixed_race 1.01512358
partner_black -2.85270272
partner_hispanic -2.27891849
partner_asian -3.55279776
partner_mixed_race -3.17345427
partner_race_other_none .848767962
immigrant -.971027465
protestant -1.53613102
catholic 1.15811645
jewish 1.49572024
other_religion -.897270765
rural -2.15059122
small_town 1.34597093
medium_city .871255288
large_city -2.77227932
coitus_without_condom -3.61969753
e(p_l), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .493872056
suburb .806057958
White .999994199
partner_white .999999999
no_religion .289641105
mom_SomeCollege .225862608
mom_College .759765482
mom_Graduate .497084228
Black 5.3900e-06
Hispanic .31589255
Asian .001454783
OtherRace .532465048
mixed_race .844976538
partner_black .002167458
partner_hispanic .011335956
partner_asian .000190579
partner_mixed_race .000753183
partner_race_other_none .80199479
immigrant .165767301
protestant .062253125
catholic .87659174
jewish .932636713
other_religion .184787226
rural .015754239
small_town .910844054
medium_city .808192611
large_city .002783262
coitus_without_condom .000147474
e(p), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .987744113
suburb .387884085
White .000011602
partner_white 1.0661e-09
no_religion .579282211
mom_SomeCollege .451725215
mom_College .480469035
mom_Graduate .994168456
Black .00001078
Hispanic .631785099
Asian .002909565
OtherRace .935069905
mixed_race .310046925
partner_black .004334915
partner_hispanic .022671911
partner_asian .000381157
partner_mixed_race .001506366
partner_race_other_none .396010421
immigrant .331534602
protestant .12450625
catholic .246816519
jewish .134726574
other_religion .369574452
rural .031508479
small_town .178311891
medium_city .383614778
large_city .005566525
coitus_without_condom .000294948
e(p_u), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .506127944
suburb .193942042
White 5.8008e-06
partner_white 5.3305e-10
no_religion .710358895
mom_SomeCollege .774137392
mom_College .240234518
mom_Graduate .502915772
Black .99999461
Hispanic .68410745
Asian .998545217
OtherRace .467534952
mixed_race .155023462
partner_black .997832542
partner_hispanic .988664044
partner_asian .999809421
partner_mixed_race .999246817
partner_race_other_none .19800521
immigrant .834232699
protestant .937746875
catholic .12340826
jewish .067363287
other_religion .815212774
rural .984245761
small_town .089155946
medium_city .191807389
large_city .997216738
coitus_without_condom .999852526
e(N_1), transpose
mom_HSOrLess 1048
suburb 1048
White 1048
partner_white 1048
no_religion 1048
mom_SomeCollege 1048
mom_College 1048
mom_Graduate 1048
Black 1048
Hispanic 1048
Asian 1048
OtherRace 1048
mixed_race 1048
partner_black 1048
partner_hispanic 1048
partner_asian 1048
partner_mixed_race 1048
partner_race_other_none 1048
immigrant 1048
protestant 1048
catholic 1048
jewish 1048
other_religion 1048
rural 1048
small_town 1048
medium_city 1048
large_city 1048
coitus_without_condom 1048
e(P_1), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .190839695
suburb .384541985
White .789122137
partner_white .807251908
no_religion .182251908
mom_SomeCollege .232824427
mom_College .33110687
mom_Graduate .245229008
Black .042938931
Hispanic .094465649
Asian .041984733
OtherRace .03148855
mixed_race .135496183
partner_black .022900763
partner_hispanic .047709924
partner_asian .045801527
partner_mixed_race .05629771
partner_race_other_none .020038168
immigrant .076335878
protestant .126908397
catholic .452290076
jewish .119274809
other_religion .119274809
rural .04389313
small_town .25
medium_city .229007634
large_city .092557252
coitus_without_condom .066793893
e(N_2), transpose
mom_HSOrLess 811
suburb 811
White 811
partner_white 811
no_religion 811
mom_SomeCollege 811
mom_College 811
mom_Graduate 811
Black 811
Hispanic 811
Asian 811
OtherRace 811
mixed_race 811
partner_black 811
partner_hispanic 811
partner_asian 811
partner_mixed_race 811
partner_race_other_none 811
immigrant 811
protestant 811
catholic 811
jewish 811
other_religion 811
rural 811
small_town 811
medium_city 811
large_city 811
coitus_without_condom 811
e(P_2), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .191122072
suburb .364981504
White .700369914
partner_white .684340321
no_religion .192355117
mom_SomeCollege .24784217
mom_College .315659679
mom_Graduate .245376079
Black .093711467
Hispanic .101109741
Asian .073982737
OtherRace .030826141
mixed_race .119605425
partner_black .046855734
partner_hispanic .072749692
partner_asian .086313194
partner_mixed_race .094944513
partner_race_other_none .014796547
immigrant .088779285
protestant .151664612
catholic .42540074
jewish .097410604
other_religion .133168927
rural .066584464
small_town .223181258
medium_city .212083847
large_city .133168927
coitus_without_condom .114673243