Casual Contraception in Casual Sex

Model Name:SCCoitus_Men_year2ttests
Title:Year 2
Description:Do the Characteristics of Year 2 Men Differ From Year 1 Men, Coitus Sample, when they hook up with a partner from their college
Method:estpost prtest
Covariates:mom_HSOrLess + suburb + White + partner_white + no_religion + mom_SomeCollege + mom_College + mom_Graduate + Black + Hispanic + Asian + OtherRace + mixed_race + immigrant + protestant + catholic + jewish + other_religion + rural + small_town + medium_city + large_city + partner_black + partner_hispanic + partner_asian + partner_mixed_race + partner_race_other_none + coitus_without_condom
Subset:if female == 0 & partner_attends_same_college_r == 1 & ( (sophomore == 0 & junior == 0 & senior == 0) | sophomore == 1 )
Time & Date Computed:19:09:35, 5 Dec 2014

Sections in which this model is embedded

  1. SCDescriptives — Means and Proportion Tests by Year of College, When Hooking Up With a Partner From the Same College

Estimates Replay

estpost prtest  mom_HSOrLess suburb White partner_white no_religion mom_SomeCollege mom_College mom_Graduate Black Hispanic Asian OtherRace mixed_race partner_black partner_hispanic partner_asian partner_mixed_race partner_race_other_none immigrant protestant catholic jewish other_religion rural small_town medium_city large_city coitus_without_condom  if female == 0                                                                                                    & partner_attends_same_college_r == 1                                                  & ( (sophomore == 0 & junior == 0 & senior == 0) |                                                        sophomore == 1 ), by(sophomore)

Model SCCoitus_Men_year2ttests

                                                  Number of obs   =       1263
                        |      Coef.
           mom_HSOrLess |  -.0095351
                 suburb |   .0127348
                  White |   .0619497
          partner_white |   .1094194
            no_religion |  -.0139428
        mom_SomeCollege |  -.0079879
            mom_College |   .0262561
           mom_Graduate |  -.0087332
                  Black |  -.0726953
               Hispanic |   .0292118
                  Asian |  -.0232003
              OtherRace |   .0047341
             mixed_race |   .0203064
          partner_black |  -.0374643
       partner_hispanic |  -.0088463
          partner_asian |  -.0417538
     partner_mixed_race |  -.0301396
partner_race_other_none |   .0087846
              immigrant |   .0114035
             protestant |  -.0310648
               catholic |   .0143412
                 jewish |   .0269475
         other_religion |   .0037189
                  rural |  -.0232003
             small_town |   .0194094
            medium_city |   .0459739
             large_city |  -.0549179
  coitus_without_condom |  -.0482459
k 28
N 1263
_estimates_name SCCoitus_Men_year2ttests
cmd estpost
Apparatus_ModelName___ SCCoitus_Men_year2ttests
subcmd prtest
byvar sophomore
properties b


e(b), transpose
mom_HSOrLess -.009535069
suburb .012734843
White .061949677
partner_white .109419415
no_religion -.01394279
mom_SomeCollege -.007987869
mom_College .026256136
mom_Graduate -.008733198
Black -.072695263
Hispanic .02921175
Asian -.023200288
OtherRace .004734123
mixed_race .020306356
partner_black -.03746434
partner_hispanic -.008846282
partner_asian -.041753836
partner_mixed_race -.030139556
partner_race_other_none .0087846
immigrant .011403531
protestant -.031064792
catholic .014341155
jewish .026947493
other_religion .003718934
rural -.023200288
small_town .019409391
medium_city .045973939
large_city -.054917885
coitus_without_condom -.048245907
e(count), transpose
mom_HSOrLess 1263
suburb 1263
White 1263
partner_white 1263
no_religion 1263
mom_SomeCollege 1263
mom_College 1263
mom_Graduate 1263
Black 1263
Hispanic 1263
Asian 1263
OtherRace 1263
mixed_race 1263
partner_black 1263
partner_hispanic 1263
partner_asian 1263
partner_mixed_race 1263
partner_race_other_none 1263
immigrant 1263
protestant 1263
catholic 1263
jewish 1263
other_religion 1263
rural 1263
small_town 1263
medium_city 1263
large_city 1263
coitus_without_condom 1263
e(se), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .022055975
suburb .027494982
White .024408612
partner_white .024729683
no_religion .022481103
mom_SomeCollege .02394888
mom_College .026780318
mom_Graduate .024898494
Black .01498302
Hispanic .015587933
Asian .013069531
OtherRace .009740141
mixed_race .018581246
partner_black .010663664
partner_hispanic .012922753
partner_asian .015069398
partner_mixed_race .014851364
partner_race_other_none .007326861
immigrant .014932064
protestant .019903331
catholic .028204095
jewish .018129921
other_religion .018498612
rural .013069531
small_town .024355453
medium_city .023351525
large_city .018410447
coitus_without_condom .015146186
e(se0), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .021988083
suburb .027527702
White .024134171
partner_white .024356753
no_religion .022387586
mom_SomeCollege .023904069
mom_College .026873703
mom_Graduate .024856414
Black .014037998
Hispanic .015998875
Asian .012679214
OtherRace .0098559
mixed_race .018797525
partner_black .0098559
partner_hispanic .01276957
partner_asian .014505529
partner_mixed_race .014429011
partner_race_other_none .007618124
immigrant .015098866
protestant .019636399
catholic .028224691
jewish .018431747
other_religion .018537541
rural .012679214
small_town .024465288
medium_city .023666229
large_city .017886575
coitus_without_condom .014505529
e(z), transpose
mom_HSOrLess -.433647125
suburb .462619172
White 2.56688651
partner_white 4.49236465
no_religion -.622791123
mom_SomeCollege -.334163568
mom_College .977019657
mom_Graduate -.351345849
Black -5.17846385
Hispanic 1.82586279
Asian -1.82978912
OtherRace .480333917
mixed_race 1.08026751
partner_black -3.80120929
partner_hispanic -.692762731
partner_asian -2.87847737
partner_mixed_race -2.08881645
partner_race_other_none 1.1531185
immigrant .755257462
protestant -1.58200044
catholic .508106722
jewish 1.46201512
other_religion .200616361
rural -1.82978912
small_town .793344066
medium_city 1.94259673
large_city -3.07034105
coitus_without_condom -3.32603578
e(p_l), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .332272354
suburb .678181318
White .99486919
partner_white .999996478
no_religion .266710896
mom_SomeCollege .369128067
mom_College .83572029
mom_Graduate .362664451
Black 1.1186e-07
Hispanic .966064534
Asian .033640739
OtherRace .684505012
mixed_race .859988462
partner_black .000071996
partner_hispanic .244229232
partner_asian .001998
partner_mixed_race .018362125
partner_race_other_none .875569125
immigrant .774952742
protestant .056824736
catholic .694310749
jewish .928131467
other_religion .579500718
rural .033640739
small_town .786211305
medium_city .973967549
large_city .001069072
coitus_without_condom .000440453
e(p), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .664544708
suburb .643637364
White .010261619
partner_white 7.0437e-06
no_religion .533421792
mom_SomeCollege .738256134
mom_College .328559421
mom_Graduate .725328902
Black 2.2372e-07
Hispanic .067870932
Asian .067281479
OtherRace .630989975
mixed_race .280023075
partner_black .000143992
partner_hispanic .488458464
partner_asian .003995999
partner_mixed_race .036724249
partner_race_other_none .248861751
immigrant .450094517
protestant .113649471
catholic .611378501
jewish .143737067
other_religion .840998564
rural .067281479
small_town .427577389
medium_city .052064903
large_city .002138145
coitus_without_condom .000880906
e(p_u), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .667727646
suburb .321818682
White .00513081
partner_white 3.5218e-06
no_religion .733289104
mom_SomeCollege .630871933
mom_College .16427971
mom_Graduate .637335549
Black .999999888
Hispanic .033935466
Asian .966359261
OtherRace .315494988
mixed_race .140011538
partner_black .999928004
partner_hispanic .755770768
partner_asian .998002
partner_mixed_race .981637875
partner_race_other_none .124430875
immigrant .225047258
protestant .943175264
catholic .305689251
jewish .071868533
other_religion .420499282
rural .966359261
small_town .213788695
medium_city .026032451
large_city .998930928
coitus_without_condom .999559547
e(N_1), transpose
mom_HSOrLess 730
suburb 730
White 730
partner_white 730
no_religion 730
mom_SomeCollege 730
mom_College 730
mom_Graduate 730
Black 730
Hispanic 730
Asian 730
OtherRace 730
mixed_race 730
partner_black 730
partner_hispanic 730
partner_asian 730
partner_mixed_race 730
partner_race_other_none 730
immigrant 730
protestant 730
catholic 730
jewish 730
other_religion 730
rural 730
small_town 730
medium_city 730
large_city 730
coitus_without_condom 730
e(P_1), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .178082192
suburb .376712329
White .791780822
partner_white .805479452
no_religion .184931507
mom_SomeCollege .224657534
mom_College .345205479
mom_Graduate .252054795
Black .034246575
Hispanic .098630137
Asian .042465753
OtherRace .032876712
mixed_race .132876712
partner_black .015068493
partner_hispanic .049315068
partner_asian .052054795
partner_mixed_race .056164384
partner_race_other_none .021917808
immigrant .080821918
protestant .124657534
catholic .438356164
jewish .130136986
other_religion .121917808
rural .042465753
small_town .252054795
medium_city .24109589
large_city .087671233
coitus_without_condom .049315068
e(N_2), transpose
mom_HSOrLess 533
suburb 533
White 533
partner_white 533
no_religion 533
mom_SomeCollege 533
mom_College 533
mom_Graduate 533
Black 533
Hispanic 533
Asian 533
OtherRace 533
mixed_race 533
partner_black 533
partner_hispanic 533
partner_asian 533
partner_mixed_race 533
partner_race_other_none 533
immigrant 533
protestant 533
catholic 533
jewish 533
other_religion 533
rural 533
small_town 533
medium_city 533
large_city 533
coitus_without_condom 533
e(P_2), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .187617261
suburb .363977486
White .729831144
partner_white .696060038
no_religion .198874296
mom_SomeCollege .232645403
mom_College .318949343
mom_Graduate .260787992
Black .106941839
Hispanic .069418386
Asian .065666041
OtherRace .028142589
mixed_race .112570356
partner_black .052532833
partner_hispanic .058161351
partner_asian .09380863
partner_mixed_race .08630394
partner_race_other_none .013133208
immigrant .069418386
protestant .155722326
catholic .424015009
jewish .103189493
other_religion .118198874
rural .065666041
small_town .232645403
medium_city .195121951
large_city .142589118
coitus_without_condom .097560976