Casual Contraception in Casual Sex

Model Name:SCCoitus_Men_year3ttests
Title:Year 3
Description:Do the Characteristics of Year 3 Men Differ From Year 1 Men, Coitus Sample, when they hook up with a partner from their college
Method:estpost prtest
Covariates:mom_HSOrLess + suburb + White + partner_white + no_religion + mom_SomeCollege + mom_College + mom_Graduate + Black + Hispanic + Asian + OtherRace + mixed_race + immigrant + protestant + catholic + jewish + other_religion + rural + small_town + medium_city + large_city + partner_black + partner_hispanic + partner_asian + partner_mixed_race + partner_race_other_none + coitus_without_condom
Subset:if female == 0 & partner_attends_same_college_r == 1 & ( (sophomore == 0 & junior == 0 & senior == 0) | junior == 1 )
Time & Date Computed:19:09:36, 5 Dec 2014

Sections in which this model is embedded

  1. SCDescriptives — Means and Proportion Tests by Year of College, When Hooking Up With a Partner From the Same College

Estimates Replay

estpost prtest  mom_HSOrLess suburb White partner_white no_religion mom_SomeCollege mom_College mom_Graduate Black Hispanic Asian OtherRace mixed_race partner_black partner_hispanic partner_asian partner_mixed_race partner_race_other_none immigrant protestant catholic jewish other_religion rural small_town medium_city large_city coitus_without_condom  if female == 0                                                                                                    & partner_attends_same_college_r == 1                                                  & ( (sophomore == 0 & junior == 0 & senior == 0) |                                                        junior == 1 ), by(junior)

Model SCCoitus_Men_year3ttests

                                                  Number of obs   =       1162
                        |      Coef.
           mom_HSOrLess |   .0067859
                 suburb |    .017916
                  White |   .0533549
          partner_white |   .1202943
            no_religion |  -.0280315
        mom_SomeCollege |   .0001205
            mom_College |   .0095573
           mom_Graduate |  -.0164637
                  Black |  -.0305682
               Hispanic |   .0315005
                  Asian |  -.0501268
              OtherRace |  -.0041603
             mixed_race |  -.0222159
          partner_black |  -.0219685
       partner_hispanic |    .000704
          partner_asian |  -.0521119
     partner_mixed_race |   -.038743
partner_race_other_none |  -.0081748
              immigrant |  -.0164003
             protestant |  -.0350647
               catholic |   .0679858
                 jewish |   .0120814
         other_religion |  -.0169711
                  rural |  -.0061454
             small_town |   .0714992
            medium_city |  -.0158486
             large_city |  -.0674214
  coitus_without_condom |  -.0525368
k 28
N 1162
_estimates_name SCCoitus_Men_year3ttests
cmd estpost
Apparatus_ModelName___ SCCoitus_Men_year3ttests
subcmd prtest
byvar junior
properties b


e(b), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .006785895
suburb .017916032
White .053354896
partner_white .120294267
no_religion -.028031456
mom_SomeCollege .000120497
mom_College .009557331
mom_Graduate -.016463724
Black -.030568239
Hispanic .031500507
Asian -.050126839
OtherRace -.004160325
mixed_race -.02221588
partner_black -.021968544
partner_hispanic .000703957
partner_asian -.052111872
partner_mixed_race -.038743024
partner_race_other_none -.008174784
immigrant -.016400304
protestant -.035064688
catholic .067985794
jewish .012081431
other_religion -.016971081
rural -.006145358
small_town .071499239
medium_city -.015848554
large_city -.06742136
coitus_without_condom -.052536783
e(count), transpose
mom_HSOrLess 1162
suburb 1162
White 1162
partner_white 1162
no_religion 1162
mom_SomeCollege 1162
mom_College 1162
mom_Graduate 1162
Black 1162
Hispanic 1162
Asian 1162
OtherRace 1162
mixed_race 1162
partner_black 1162
partner_hispanic 1162
partner_asian 1162
partner_mixed_race 1162
partner_race_other_none 1162
immigrant 1162
protestant 1162
catholic 1162
jewish 1162
other_religion 1162
rural 1162
small_town 1162
medium_city 1162
large_city 1162
coitus_without_condom 1162
e(se), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .023002224
suburb .029226595
White .025941369
partner_white .026719913
no_religion .024381704
mom_SomeCollege .025331159
mom_College .028737067
mom_Graduate .026700531
Black .013624109
Hispanic .016332333
Asian .015817422
OtherRace .011230071
mixed_race .0214748
partner_black .010143436
partner_hispanic .013087365
partner_asian .016840582
partner_mixed_race .016476011
partner_race_other_none .009845247
immigrant .01746248
protestant .021451118
catholic .029615304
jewish .019901891
other_religion .02057907
rural .012757651
small_town .024509996
medium_city .026317213
large_city .020319922
coitus_without_condom .016612591
e(se0), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .023093591
suburb .029307812
White .025469053
partner_white .025896565
no_religion .024066468
mom_SomeCollege .025332397
mom_College .028788538
mom_Graduate .026564882
Black .012664771
Hispanic .017100626
Asian .014539022
OtherRace .011066749
mixed_race .021133957
partner_black .009144784
partner_hispanic .013110287
partner_asian .015633039
partner_mixed_race .015545777
partner_race_other_none .009469076
immigrant .017100626
protestant .020916426
catholic .02988866
jewish .020119488
other_religion .020295114
rural .012550378
small_town .025366791
medium_city .026178129
large_city .019198116
coitus_without_condom .015369235
e(z), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .293843234
suburb .611305693
White 2.09489127
partner_white 4.64518234
no_religion -1.16475154
mom_SomeCollege .004756645
mom_College .331983912
mom_Graduate -.619755207
Black -2.41364329
Hispanic 1.84206749
Asian -3.44774501
OtherRace -.375930162
mixed_race -1.05119358
partner_black -2.40230324
partner_hispanic .05369504
partner_asian -3.33344485
partner_mixed_race -2.49218959
partner_race_other_none -.863313873
immigrant -.959047015
protestant -1.67641869
catholic 2.2746351
jewish .60048402
other_religion -.836215105
rural -.489655201
small_town 2.81861583
medium_city -.605412017
large_city -3.51187374
coitus_without_condom -3.41830825
e(p_l), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .615561152
suburb .729501388
White .98190967
partner_white .999998301
no_religion .122059791
mom_SomeCollege .50189762
mom_College .630049296
mom_Graduate .267709482
Black .007896958
Hispanic .967267361
Asian .000282644
OtherRace .353484408
mixed_race .146584846
partner_black .008146098
partner_hispanic .521410933
partner_asian .000428888
partner_mixed_race .006347912
partner_race_other_none .193982459
immigrant .16876753
protestant .046828105
catholic .988536086
jewish .725908146
other_religion .201516951
rural .312188954
small_town .99758844
medium_city .272452634
large_city .00022248
coitus_without_condom .000315059
e(p), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .768877696
suburb .540997223
White .036180659
partner_white 3.3978e-06
no_religion .244119582
mom_SomeCollege .996204761
mom_College .739901407
mom_Graduate .535418963
Black .015793916
Hispanic .065465279
Asian .000565287
OtherRace .706968817
mixed_race .293169692
partner_black .016292197
partner_hispanic .957178135
partner_asian .000857777
partner_mixed_race .012695825
partner_race_other_none .387964919
immigrant .337535061
protestant .093656211
catholic .022927829
jewish .548183708
other_religion .403033902
rural .624377908
small_town .004823121
medium_city .544905268
large_city .000444959
coitus_without_condom .000630117
e(p_u), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .384438848
suburb .270498612
White .01809033
partner_white 1.6989e-06
no_religion .877940209
mom_SomeCollege .49810238
mom_College .369950704
mom_Graduate .732290518
Black .992103042
Hispanic .032732639
Asian .999717356
OtherRace .646515592
mixed_race .853415154
partner_black .991853902
partner_hispanic .478589067
partner_asian .999571112
partner_mixed_race .993652088
partner_race_other_none .806017541
immigrant .83123247
protestant .953171895
catholic .011463914
jewish .274091854
other_religion .798483049
rural .687811046
small_town .00241156
medium_city .727547366
large_city .99977752
coitus_without_condom .999684941
e(N_1), transpose
mom_HSOrLess 730
suburb 730
White 730
partner_white 730
no_religion 730
mom_SomeCollege 730
mom_College 730
mom_Graduate 730
Black 730
Hispanic 730
Asian 730
OtherRace 730
mixed_race 730
partner_black 730
partner_hispanic 730
partner_asian 730
partner_mixed_race 730
partner_race_other_none 730
immigrant 730
protestant 730
catholic 730
jewish 730
other_religion 730
rural 730
small_town 730
medium_city 730
large_city 730
coitus_without_condom 730
e(P_1), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .178082192
suburb .376712329
White .791780822
partner_white .805479452
no_religion .184931507
mom_SomeCollege .224657534
mom_College .345205479
mom_Graduate .252054795
Black .034246575
Hispanic .098630137
Asian .042465753
OtherRace .032876712
mixed_race .132876712
partner_black .015068493
partner_hispanic .049315068
partner_asian .052054795
partner_mixed_race .056164384
partner_race_other_none .021917808
immigrant .080821918
protestant .124657534
catholic .438356164
jewish .130136986
other_religion .121917808
rural .042465753
small_town .252054795
medium_city .24109589
large_city .087671233
coitus_without_condom .049315068
e(N_2), transpose
mom_HSOrLess 432
suburb 432
White 432
partner_white 432
no_religion 432
mom_SomeCollege 432
mom_College 432
mom_Graduate 432
Black 432
Hispanic 432
Asian 432
OtherRace 432
mixed_race 432
partner_black 432
partner_hispanic 432
partner_asian 432
partner_mixed_race 432
partner_race_other_none 432
immigrant 432
protestant 432
catholic 432
jewish 432
other_religion 432
rural 432
small_town 432
medium_city 432
large_city 432
coitus_without_condom 432
e(P_2), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .171296296
suburb .358796296
White .738425926
partner_white .685185185
no_religion .212962963
mom_SomeCollege .224537037
mom_College .335648148
mom_Graduate .268518519
Black .064814815
Hispanic .06712963
Asian .092592593
OtherRace .037037037
mixed_race .155092593
partner_black .037037037
partner_hispanic .048611111
partner_asian .104166667
partner_mixed_race .094907407
partner_race_other_none .030092593
immigrant .097222222
protestant .159722222
catholic .37037037
jewish .118055556
other_religion .138888889
rural .048611111
small_town .180555556
medium_city .256944444
large_city .155092593
coitus_without_condom .101851852