Casual Contraception in Casual Sex

Model Name:SCCondom_Men_year2ttests
Title:Year 2
Description:Do the Characteristics of Year 2 Men Differ From Year 1 Men, Condom Sample, when they hook up with a partner from their college
Method:estpost prtest
Covariates:mom_HSOrLess + suburb + White + partner_white + no_religion + mom_SomeCollege + mom_College + mom_Graduate + Black + Hispanic + Asian + OtherRace + mixed_race + immigrant + protestant + catholic + jewish + other_religion + rural + small_town + medium_city + large_city + partner_black + partner_hispanic + partner_asian + partner_mixed_race + partner_race_other_none
Subset:if female == 0 & condom >= 0 & partner_attends_same_college_r == 1 & ( (sophomore == 0 & junior == 0 & senior == 0) | sophomore == 1 )
Time & Date Computed:19:09:41, 5 Dec 2014

Sections in which this model is embedded

  1. SCDescriptives — Means and Proportion Tests by Year of College, When Hooking Up With a Partner From the Same College

Estimates Replay

estpost prtest  mom_HSOrLess suburb White partner_white no_religion mom_SomeCollege mom_College mom_Graduate Black Hispanic Asian OtherRace mixed_race partner_black partner_hispanic partner_asian partner_mixed_race partner_race_other_none immigrant protestant catholic jewish other_religion rural small_town medium_city large_city  if female == 0                                                  & condom >= 0                                                  & partner_attends_same_college_r == 1                                                  & ( (sophomore == 0 & junior == 0 & senior == 0) |                                                        sophomore == 1 ), by(sophomore)

Model SCCondom_Men_year2ttests

                                                  Number of obs   =        434
                        |      Coef.
           mom_HSOrLess |   .0229167
                 suburb |   .0223214
                  White |   .0678571
          partner_white |   .0660714
            no_religion |  -.0860119
        mom_SomeCollege |  -.0342262
            mom_College |   .0383929
           mom_Graduate |  -.0270833
                  Black |  -.0848214
               Hispanic |   .0315476
                  Asian |  -.0214286
              OtherRace |   .0068452
             mixed_race |   .0083333
          partner_black |  -.0491071
       partner_hispanic |  -.0077381
          partner_asian |  -.0166667
     partner_mixed_race |  -.0005952
partner_race_other_none |   .0080357
              immigrant |   .0083333
             protestant |  -.0401786
               catholic |   .0669643
                 jewish |    .035119
         other_religion |   .0241071
                  rural |  -.0130952
             small_town |   .0747024
            medium_city |     -.0375
             large_city |  -.0464286
k 27
N 434
_estimates_name SCCondom_Men_year2ttests
cmd estpost
Apparatus_ModelName___ SCCondom_Men_year2ttests
subcmd prtest
byvar sophomore
properties b


e(b), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .022916667
suburb .022321429
White .067857143
partner_white .066071429
no_religion -.086011905
mom_SomeCollege -.03422619
mom_College .038392857
mom_Graduate -.027083333
Black -.084821429
Hispanic .031547619
Asian -.021428571
OtherRace .006845238
mixed_race .008333333
partner_black -.049107143
partner_hispanic -.007738095
partner_asian -.016666667
partner_mixed_race -.000595238
partner_race_other_none .008035714
immigrant .008333333
protestant -.040178571
catholic .066964286
jewish .035119048
other_religion .024107143
rural -.013095238
small_town .074702381
medium_city -.0375
large_city -.046428571
e(count), transpose
mom_HSOrLess 434
suburb 434
White 434
partner_white 434
no_religion 434
mom_SomeCollege 434
mom_College 434
mom_Graduate 434
Black 434
Hispanic 434
Asian 434
OtherRace 434
mixed_race 434
partner_black 434
partner_hispanic 434
partner_asian 434
partner_mixed_race 434
partner_race_other_none 434
immigrant 434
protestant 434
catholic 434
jewish 434
other_religion 434
rural 434
small_town 434
medium_city 434
large_city 434
e(se), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .039501986
suburb .04385634
White .04237653
partner_white .040868057
no_religion .037585179
mom_SomeCollege .041298082
mom_College .045226313
mom_Graduate .038821026
Black .028760077
Hispanic .026300004
Asian .020255969
OtherRace .018044417
mixed_race .034888658
partner_black .020328934
partner_hispanic .020658383
partner_asian .019751256
partner_mixed_race .026157055
partner_race_other_none .012824988
immigrant .026782258
protestant .031534273
catholic .047771992
jewish .028501087
other_religion .031848768
rural .022861374
small_town .042466611
medium_city .040051398
large_city .034127205
e(se0), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .039566248
suburb .043900175
White .042390227
partner_white .040865243
no_religion .03760103
mom_SomeCollege .041267802
mom_College .045305862
mom_Graduate .038781627
Black .028697501
Hispanic .026491971
Asian .020138942
OtherRace .018099626
mixed_race .034915356
partner_black .020138942
partner_hispanic .020611336
partner_asian .019652705
partner_mixed_race .026154231
partner_race_other_none .012920261
immigrant .026823633
protestant .031450091
catholic .047895804
jewish .028697501
other_religion .031953794
rural .022794928
small_town .042737196
medium_city .040014952
large_city .034057466
e(z), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .579197373
suburb .508458758
White 1.60077329
partner_white 1.61681232
no_religion -2.28748802
mom_SomeCollege -.829367914
mom_College .847414775
mom_Graduate -.69835474
Black -2.9557078
Hispanic 1.19083701
Asian -1.06403661
OtherRace .378197756
mixed_race .238672442
partner_black -2.43841724
partner_hispanic -.375429088
partner_asian -.848059692
partner_mixed_race -.022758769
partner_race_other_none .621946768
immigrant .310671318
protestant -1.27753436
catholic 1.39812426
jewish 1.22376674
other_religion .75443758
rural -.574480332
small_town 1.74794765
medium_city -.937149702
large_city -1.36324211
e(p_l), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .718771999
suburb .694434173
White .945286429
partner_white .9470406
no_religion .011083677
mom_SomeCollege .203448126
mom_College .801618014
mom_Graduate .242477687
Black .001559762
Hispanic .883141211
Asian .143656057
OtherRace .647358154
mixed_race .594320206
partner_black .007375868
partner_hispanic .353670688
partner_asian .198202364
partner_mixed_race .490921348
partner_race_other_none .733011564
immigrant .621974748
protestant .100706829
catholic .918962123
jewish .889479882
other_religion .774706743
rural .282821403
small_town .959763453
medium_city .174340779
large_city .08640311
e(p), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .562456003
suburb .611131655
White .109427142
partner_white .1059188
no_religion .022167354
mom_SomeCollege .406896252
mom_College .396763972
mom_Graduate .484955374
Black .003119525
Hispanic .233717578
Asian .287312114
OtherRace .705283692
mixed_race .811359588
partner_black .014751736
partner_hispanic .707341375
partner_asian .396404728
partner_mixed_race .981842697
partner_race_other_none .533976872
immigrant .756050504
protestant .201413658
catholic .162075755
jewish .221040236
other_religion .450586513
rural .565642806
small_town .080473094
medium_city .348681558
large_city .172806219
e(p_u), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .281228001
suburb .305565827
White .054713571
partner_white .0529594
no_religion .988916323
mom_SomeCollege .796551874
mom_College .198381986
mom_Graduate .757522313
Black .998440238
Hispanic .116858789
Asian .856343943
OtherRace .352641846
mixed_race .405679794
partner_black .992624132
partner_hispanic .646329312
partner_asian .801797636
partner_mixed_race .509078652
partner_race_other_none .266988436
immigrant .378025252
protestant .899293171
catholic .081037877
jewish .110520118
other_religion .225293257
rural .717178597
small_town .040236547
medium_city .825659221
large_city .91359689
e(N_1), transpose
mom_HSOrLess 224
suburb 224
White 224
partner_white 224
no_religion 224
mom_SomeCollege 224
mom_College 224
mom_Graduate 224
Black 224
Hispanic 224
Asian 224
OtherRace 224
mixed_race 224
partner_black 224
partner_hispanic 224
partner_asian 224
partner_mixed_race 224
partner_race_other_none 224
immigrant 224
protestant 224
catholic 224
jewish 224
other_religion 224
rural 224
small_town 224
medium_city 224
large_city 224
e(P_1), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .227678571
suburb .308035714
White .767857143
partner_white .794642857
no_religion .147321429
mom_SomeCollege .227678571
mom_College .352678571
mom_Graduate .191964286
Black .058035714
Hispanic .098214286
Asian .035714286
OtherRace .040178571
mixed_race .160714286
partner_black .022321429
partner_hispanic .044642857
partner_asian .035714286
partner_mixed_race .080357143
partner_race_other_none .022321429
immigrant .089285714
protestant .102678571
catholic .495535714
jewish .116071429
other_religion .138392857
rural .053571429
small_town .308035714
medium_city .205357143
large_city .125
e(N_2), transpose
mom_HSOrLess 210
suburb 210
White 210
partner_white 210
no_religion 210
mom_SomeCollege 210
mom_College 210
mom_Graduate 210
Black 210
Hispanic 210
Asian 210
OtherRace 210
mixed_race 210
partner_black 210
partner_hispanic 210
partner_asian 210
partner_mixed_race 210
partner_race_other_none 210
immigrant 210
protestant 210
catholic 210
jewish 210
other_religion 210
rural 210
small_town 210
medium_city 210
large_city 210
e(P_2), transpose
mom_HSOrLess .204761905
suburb .285714286
White .7
partner_white .728571429
no_religion .233333333
mom_SomeCollege .261904762
mom_College .314285714
mom_Graduate .219047619
Black .142857143
Hispanic .066666667
Asian .057142857
OtherRace .033333333
mixed_race .152380952
partner_black .071428571
partner_hispanic .052380952
partner_asian .052380952
partner_mixed_race .080952381
partner_race_other_none .014285714
immigrant .080952381
protestant .142857143
catholic .428571429
jewish .080952381
other_religion .114285714
rural .066666667
small_town .233333333
medium_city .242857143
large_city .171428571